Sorry Fred. You're pretty much going through what I expected and the reason I disowned my family. They can have it all and go screw themselves with it. I told my youngest brother that he was such an a$$, that he was going to die property/toy rich and people poor. None of us knew at that time but sadly I was right... 18 month later he was dead from throat cancer. What good did all his material possessions do him? Not a bit. Hope you'll keep in touch and let us know status as you're able. You can get more goats, chickens, ducks wherever you end up.
Thanks y'all!!'ll all depend on the place we find, but there will be another day and life's too short to waste time and energy playing "tug-of-war" to find some calmer waters for a spell....
IMO, unless you've already been served legal papers to vacate previously, or had signed a lease/rental agreement agreeing to terms that said you would vacate within xx..x number of days if xxxx happened, nothing will happen in the short term.
As wrong as this all seems, Fred, I believe there is purpose for it all and God has something good in store for you.
And remember, even with little property and a corner in a garage or storage shed, you can still have meat rabbits. The fastfood of livestock production.