CntryBoy777 - The Lazy A** Acres Adventures


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
We do keep her busy mentally and physically, but have gotten a bit lax on the formal training due to circumstances that are well beyond our control....trying to hold on to staying here and the heatwave that is presently with us. She is certainly not destructive in anyway, shape, form, or fashion....she sleeps fairly solid from about 10pm-6:30am. We have a game we play called "find" and she is very accomplished at searching and finding the object used.....and if it happens to be in a trash can, she will sit by it and look to us to come get it....or, will stand with her head over the can, but will not stick her head in it to try and get it out.....we play with her all day long and take her for long walks around the property. There are just a few issues that have to be corrected and will be working on those along with formal obedience she is trying to keep Joyce's chair warm for her...... photo0_2.jpg ....she is a great girl and we wouldn't take anything for her.....if she never improved or got better than she is right now, today, we would still be satisfied and glad to have her......:)

Pastor Dave

Herd Master
Dec 24, 2015
Reaction score
Crawfordsville, IN

**I want to clarify that I didn’t think it was anything you or Joyce had done. My concern was that maybe one of the grandchildren didn’t unknowingly “tease”/play with Gabbie with something that would be considered a tool.

It's just like texting, tweeting, or posting things on FB. You can't always get the right message across or read the intended tone in the desired message like a verbal conversation. And even then with me based on my sense of humor, sometimes folks get offended.


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
I didn't take offense to anything that was posted, but was thankful for the responses. I even went back thru our time with her to see if we may have done something to spur it on, but I can't think of anything at all. Ya see, when I was in the 4th grade, we lived on a 180acre farm and my grandma had 220acres that joined it and I had all that to ride my bike and play on.....I had a female GSD and she followed me on my bike and went everywhere with me.....we lived on a dirt road so it wasn't heavily traveled, but she had that bad habit of chasing cars that ran by our house.....well to shorten a long story....she had given birth to 5 pups and they were about 2wks old.....down the road came a dump truck and I knew it wasn't good, because when she jumped the ditch to the road her head was in front of the front tire and after the truck had passed she was laying in the middle of the road....deader than a hammer. So, I certainly don't want a repeat of that situation with Gabbie and it also is the reason that I didn't name her after my original GSD. The strange and funny thing is, she will watch the neighbor on his tractor or in his pick up and she will not bolt towards him barking at the tires....only the ones that are around us.....or hand tools being used.....guess she doesn't want us hurt and is trying to protect us.....or, garner our attention.....cause we all know that she should have our undivided attention.....:)


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Oh my!!....guess it is time for an Update here after such a period of time....I apologize for neglecting so many of ya, but things have gotten Busy and Crazy around here.....may be later I can give ya more detail on this, but the bottom line is we have to vacate the property by Aug sister has been served, but refuses to grant a stay on the eviction until the outcome of the trial....between getting things together for the lawyer, renting and getting stuff to storage, finding a place for the goats, and a place for us to rent has my head spinning and time flying.....the biggest issue we face is having been on a cash only basis for the past 12yrs has us at a "no credit" rating....this eliminates any company rentals, rent to own offers, and there is the Gabbie hurdle to, we continue to press forward and deal with each day as it presents itself......I opened up the garden to the goats so they could get some of their favorite stuff before their bad day comes along....I hope to keep ya posted as time goes on, but don't think I'm not thinking of y'all too!!....I'm way behind in reading posts, but will catch up someday, but not before Aug 1st....that is for sure....I check some every once in a while and press the "like" to let ya know I'm still kicking....:)