CntryBoy777 - The Lazy A** Acres Adventures


Novice; "Practicing" Animal Husbandry
Golden Herd Member
Dec 31, 2014
Reaction score
NE Texas
Bay is ~2 hours south of me, and I plan on leaving at 6am for an ~8.75+/- hour drive (one way). I have absolutely no issues with her coming if she wants to, and Bay, please let me know if I should expect you knocking on my back door at or around 6am... you are MOST welcome to come along. I doubt that she'll be willing to attend this gathering. :hu Just a guess mind you.

Fair warning to any/all... I am a horrendous passenger. I am a driver. :old :)


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Uh-Oh!!!.....with a "ship" like that I might need to wear a parachute.....even if "black ice" won't be a factor....and a couple of ratchet straps to hold me case I need to lower the window while I won't end up splintered along the highway somewhere......:lol:.....I'm good with ya driving, so no problem there with me....I can drive from the passenger seat, rear seat, or driver seat....just ask Joyce.....:gig:lol::lol:


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Well....where to even a difficult decision....but, I guess, at the beginning, is as good as any....:D....I got to the meet-up spot and realized that I had left my charge cord home for the, I tried to get one at a couple of places...close by....and nothing....but, I happened to look up and saw this across the street....
IMAG3662.jpg ....I think Joe has been "holding out" from us....:lol:.....I drove back to the meet-spot and in the shopping center was a Dollar Tree, so I go in to check....yep, they had the charge cord....wasn't long and Joe pulled in.....I got in and was on our way.....poor Joe....a fly 'caught in the web' and 'trapped" in a closed "environment" with no "escape" from the "torment" from putting up with far as I'm concerned, it went really well...we were able to discuss many things and can't remember a repeat in conversation....except when we went thru the intersection where the wreck happened....:rant.....anyways, I wouldn't hesitate riding with Joe at any time.....this is when we were pulling in....IMAG3663.jpg ....this is an actual place....not just "props" and pics..... @Mike CHS and Teresa are real...."in the flesh" people....and they sure know how to provide a very warm "Welcome" we pulled in we were greeted by Maisy and Thor....just beautiful....and I got to talk to Prof Lance and Sassy too!!.....yeh, if ya invite me to your place....ya gotta expect me to talk to them.....even was able to check out the lamb "crop"......IMAG3668.jpg ....I had a couple that came up for some rubbing and scratching...they really have some nice size on them and the new girl looks extremely well and the pics don't do her justice....there was sooo much to see and do that time wisked by....and being "herded" around by everybody just didn't allow me even get any dessert.....;).....Mike please tell Teresa for me that I apologize for that, too....cause, I sure don't want her thinking so much was left and nobody liked it much....I just never got the "opportunity" to even sample....also, I didn't get but 1 deviled egg and surely would've ate the others on the plate.....:drool.....but, it is like I said on friday....just way too short....I truly do appreciate the time we had and am very Thankful that all the miles were covered safely and there are "stories" to tell....:)....It was a real pleasure meeting @Rammy and her little Lucy....we were able to talk before we sat down to eat...and she is like much faster and quicker than me....:gig...she was out by the dinner table, then ya look up again, and she is in the kitchen....then, came the rushing out with me at the table....Teresa was a "champ" and volunteered to stay back at the house so I could eat somemore and then catch up with the others.....little Lucy hung out with me, some and I was able to talk to her too....I don't think I missed speaking to all.....except for each individual least there are "witnesses" to the fact that there is never a "dull moment" when I'm around.....:)....:lol:
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