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- #4,451
Herd Master
I'm really touched by such generous offers to help us out and a BYH convoy would be a sight to see.....we are unsure at this point of any timing of it and not having access to much of the property until closing....we wouldn't be able to have ya stay with us to rest up for the return trip home. We really don't have that much to bring back....we rent a 10x20' unit and it isn't tightly packed with things, but is fairly full....the rider is parked at the neighbors barn and will have to get it, too.....so, renting a Uhaul would probably suffice and haul the rider and tools in the pickup back. The assistance would be a tremendous help to us, but it would be costly for those that participated and that would way heavy on our minds....not to mention any vehicle breakdowns and nights in a motel room and food....the sentiment and thoughtfulness truly is humbling and very appreciated....I will promise to keep all updated and if there are difficulties with covering some of the expenses...will contact ya by PM to allow ya to assist in that way if so desired.....this in no way will be any attempt to "beg for $$", but simply an opportunity to contribute towards and be a part of our relocation. The intent is simply to cover the expense, not raise very much extra and once the expense is met there would be no further acceptance of any donations....