Mike CHS
Herd Master
Well on the heated bucket, there isn't any power available at this time, but it is intended on an upgrade. I just don't like to use extension cords to reach over 100' by having to route it Over the fence of the goat pen, or on the ground with moisture and goats bouncing around playing Chase. I do have a bucket htr from TSC, but still have things on the List above that right now, even plan on running a spigot to the goat bldg with PVC buried and insulated above to inside the house.those come with the expansion of the goat house. Because if I continue on, we will get some more goats. Star is 10 this yr and has had a rough life being a pasture goat, but not expecting her to last much longer, so would like her to train a couple more young ones before she does, and get her away from the boys tbat are driving her crazy when she comes into estrus. It is difficult to separate 3 goats, so thinking about 2young female pygmies.
We have the same issue about not wanting to run extension cords when everything is freezing. We have a trough heater that we used to warm bath water in buckets during the first year in our renovation but it has no thermostat and can't be run unattended.
@CntryBoy777 there won't be any trials until the weather breaks in the spring that we know of. Our main one isn't until labor day but hopefully we can get more involved in others as our dogs get more experience.