CntryBoy777 - The Lazy A** Acres Adventures

B&B Happy goats

Herd Master
Oct 7, 2018
Reaction score
North central florida
Awesome girl Gabby :love....... I am sure we will both need boats by the time we are ready to get together, the weather is rain for this week and drenching rain thru out the weekend....need a ark :rant
News said tonight that in Brazil, the rain forests are on fire and they have had over 78,000 fires this year. Up 180 percent from last year.....things sure are off kilter !


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Part of the fire situation in Brazil are that they are intentionally set. The rain forest is being systematically burned as farmers look for more land to grow crops and run cattle. The gov't there is very pro "economic improvement" and it isn't helping the situation. Alot of politics to it all. This is their dry season, so they normally burn over certain areas as a normal practice.... but it has gotten to epic proportions this year.
They are looking to capitalize on the trade situation with China since we are having our difficulties with them.... I support the whole "we need to have a fair trade deal" with China, and as a farmer, we are paying for it up front with the lack of ag trade right now.... but the politics behind everything is so bad and there will be some severe repercussions in the future. Other countries are trying to usurp our established trading partners, and to some extent it will happen in places. Down the road, it will come back to bite other countries in the butt because we still do a better job of farming, and producing edibles, than most others and they are going to come back to us when they cannot get their needs met elsewhere. However, if we keep on the path of liberals that say we don't need or want beef, and other meat, and our future farming is hampered, and the whole situation goes to complete control by the gov't on what you can and can't do and having to "share" everything so all are "equal" we will be no better off than any other socialistic country that doesn't allow or encourage individuals to do more or do better. I am not working harder to let some dead beat get an equal share but not do equal work. And there can come a time in the foreseeable future, where the gov't is going to say what we can do or not do, and will take what each of us has worked so hard to have if we go to this whole socialist mindset. It didn't work for the Pilgrims when they came here and all were invested in surviving.... It doesn't work in all the countries that have the socialistic gov'ts now.....


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
We are not too far from that situation now, @farmerjan , the average individual that makes it to later stages in their life, has extreme difficulty to qualify for geriatric care facilities if they have any assets available to them, because their monthly checks doesn't come close to paying the bill....and most procedures or therapies can really rack up very quickly the "uncovered" amounts....the ones that have experienced it knows about it, but those that don't, will certainly have a "shock" is such a crazy situation....:ep

@B&B Happy goats are ya so "behind times" that ya don't know about the little oxygen machine ya charge the battery and can walk around as it makes it own oxygen?....those tanks are "old school" and it is of "little to no cost to ya"....;)....I'm not far from finding out 1st hand, so will let ya know if it is true or not....:lol:

We had another "Gabbie Adventure".....ya should get a kick out of this one....there is a "routine" with her when we go out, but it is different with each of us....I took her out the other day and we were sticking to the "routine"....this entails throwing the dish...after about 5 throws, she wants to walk to do her business.....was in that process and she was in the edge of some brush....I was just looking around and went to step and all of a sudden a dad-gum racer raised up, like they will do....kinda like a cobra does....and it seemed pretty intent on holding its ground....I just grinned and told it, it would be wise for ya to just go about your "business", to no avail....well, Gabbie got finished with her "masterpiece" and headed back to me....the racer's attention was on me and about that time Gabbie saw it, and came charging....that racer hauled ashes and barely escaped....after I called her back from chasing it, ya'd have thought she was announced as Grand Champion at Westminster.....:lol:.....she has developed a prance in her step and throws her head up and grins ear to ear....along with her tail curved above her crazy girl, but a great companion....:)