Have you been able to work on your drainage problems yet? You and Miss Joyce are making great progress on your place. With it about to start cooling down, maybe you will be able to get even more things done before the body starts letting you know it's time to quit for the day.
Had Gabbie out earlier and she had to check out some of the work being done.....
....ya can also see the change of level down the back of house to the lower side of property.....I've been debating on pulling the gutters down and dealing with the dripline....there are different ways to deal with it, but we don't want the same thing all the way around the house....so, will have plant areas to handle it.....heck, when I bought my first house and had 2 daughters...I planted holly bushes with the largest points on the leaf.....along their bedroom windows....
We took the day off here today and just relaxed....I did cut down a pecan tree and a few others yesterday.....nothing over 5"dia.....got more to do, but a break is good too.........Gabbie is trying to adjust to shorter daylight hrs, cause we have to "fit in" the regular routine....and several have asked us about her destroying furniture?.....not at all, even being left for 10+hrs she won't.....we do provide "alternatives"...... .....we stopped at save a lot and brought boxes home.....Gabbie loves ripping cardboard, limbs, and pinecones...oh, and her toys....she is never a problem.....
I have a whole lot of cardboard boxes I need to cut up and recycle. The trash/recycle company reuired them to be 2'x2' or less. Maybe Gabbie could do the cutting up part!
They can come in real "handy" in garden areas and the all paper feed sacks.....heck, put it in the compost, especially in drier times....the cardboard will absorb and hold moisture for longer when it is watered......ya can cover weeds with them and they will smother most plants.....we learned here the first time to shred newspaper in the holes with the compost and plants.....when we pulled up the plant at seasons end the roots were all thru the paper.....course, if ya have wet weather ya could use it for slick areas for footing to....I even keep some in the truck in case I have to change a tire or something......I don't get up and down like I used to, so it keeps me from kneeling on whatever ya find along a roadside....saves the clothes, also.....and if there is anything else....I'd say it makes great fire starting material too....
All paper, cardboard, newspaper, feed bags are used in the garden or the paper is shredded for the chicken house. I use a crosscut shredder and the pieces are fairly small, mix in some shavings and the chickens really are very happy. The leaves will be falling soon and all that are dry, will get bagged and kept for the chickens for the winter. They love to pick through them in the coop when there is snow or cold rain. and find some little pieces of grass or bugs.
If I mow the lawn, and it gets dry and I remow a few days later and bag it, mixed in with the leaves, the chickens really like it. Mixed in with savings to give it more bulk and carbon, it is super to use on the garden. You just keep adding to it over the winter and here, gives them insulation against the cold, in a "deep litter" type thing. You don't have to clean them all winter, or maybe just under the roost poles, and you are adding in alot of minerals and such that the leaves have from the trees deep root systems that bring them up.
I also keep a couple of pieces of cardboard behind the seat of the vehicles to use to kneel on or such, if there is a flat or something that falls and rolls under the vehicle and I have to get down on my hands and knees. The getting down isn't so bad, it's the getting up.....
We have....but, we haven't...........we are narrowing down on the "options" and when the temps do give us a break, then we will get to some changes.....I still have trees to cut before I can adress the worst area....I've got to recover the septic area and get that done properly and then figure on where the sitting area will be.....and draining that water to the garden....
Joyce said something to me about boxes.....I told her that we could use those on the briars and weigh em done we have logs, blocks and concrete slabs....that will be part of the garden so the boxes can be multi use and purpose.....something else it is good for is oil or fluid leaks....it can keep drips from ground or concrete.....