Actually we are fairly close right app says ya are 92 with 41% and we are 92 with 53%....however, it is 73 inside..... ....we get to repeat it for the next 7 days.....I think I'll be sitting on a backporch with a fan blowin' before too long now.........seems I have to assist a friend "solve" an issue they have been a-having...or at least try to....
.....ya would never get that to happen by oneself.....she is always "watchful" and has to know what ya may be up to....every movement is an opportunity to "herd" us to the door....
We had an Excellent time with our visit to @B&B Happy goats today...and it sure did seem like all were we headed back home.... .....the rain held off until we were about 12miles from home and the "bottom fell out".....sure glad we had put rainx on the windshield already....just beaded off.........wasn't raining by the time we made it home, but we got a "gully washer" a little over an inch in a very short period of time.........we certainly thank them for putting up with us today.....Joyce kept "pushing and rushing" actually reminded me of a trip to @Mike CHS with Joe and he was doing them same thing..........but, when all-ya-can-eat shrimp is in front of me "hold yo horses".........I think the clocks "tick" a bit faster there, cause time sure does Fly while we're there.........and wouldn't ya know....not a single crow showed up while we were there, not a one...........but, me and Leon had some target practice and had a great time.....hopefully another trip isn't too far off....
I love Rain-X. Not the washer fluid adder stuff since it doesn't cover the entire windshield and can build up. We had a storm come through last night. I don't have a rain gauge but the pool went up .5 to .75 inch. And the garden didn't get washed out is with a heavy heart that I "face" ya today.....I lost a lifelong "friend"..... no longer rolled and it is only a shadow of its former self.....I have searched everywhere for it, but just can't seem to find it.........I have another one, but it just isn't the same.....Pops told me that nothing lasts forever, but it sure doesn't make it any least I'm not the only one that is sad here....I went out with Moms this mornin' and found the 1st turning tomato with a big bad spot on it..... busted when she tossed it to the ground....I won't repeat what she said, but something was said about Bacon and sandwich....sorry, but kinda "zoned out" at the sound of Bacon and my mouth started watering..........guess this other disc will have to do for now.....hope ya are having a much better day than me!!.....but, I'll get over it.....take care and will hollar at ya later....
Sorry Gabi, it can be hard losing those faithful friends . My heeler will look for hours for a ball tossed into the woods. Sometimes she will find one that's been MIA for a couple of years. Then there is much rejoicing.