Herd Master
You didn't charge the guy to hay the field @Mike CHS ?? Or was it sort of a trade, you cut it for sale and don't charge us? I pay Al to cut my fields because while they USED to be hay fields, and in fact he used to hay them in his younger years, they had been let go to weeds. I'm paying just to keep the weed growth down. Hopefully I can get them productive again though it doesn't help that the people due south of us have a large (probably about 9 acres) untended field so even if I got rid of every weed in my fields, there is a ready source quite nearby to reseed it.
Al sells hay to pretty much everyone on the road that has hay eating animals so my boys didn't have to deal with changing their hay source. I am buying different pellets (more expensive according to the farm store) but they don't seem to mind. They wait at their gate twice a day like kids at an ice cream truck.
Al sells hay to pretty much everyone on the road that has hay eating animals so my boys didn't have to deal with changing their hay source. I am buying different pellets (more expensive according to the farm store) but they don't seem to mind. They wait at their gate twice a day like kids at an ice cream truck.