There's Many more, even Closer....and a man with a "Plan"...and $$ for a Tractor can dig quite a few Holes in a days time. If animals aren't coming til roughly Apr-May, then an area for just a couple can be erected easily by boxing them in. If several prs of hands are available, then fence Stretching and driving a few Tposts can cover some ground rather need to do it all in a day, because ya can always Add a few more Posts each day and hook the fence. So, never underestimate a "Crafty Sly ole Fox", they are never "Caught with Their Britches" down...unless they are showing their "Speedo".....
Well, "Chalk Up" another missed weather report here...they said a low in the low to mid 30's...but got up to Ice topped water and a low of 25 here...I just hate those kinds of Surprises...
I think we may have a Khaki hen struggling...tho, she has trouble walking and will have wings out lying on ground with her tail curved to ground, but after a bit of staying there will jump up and waddle off normally. She still is eating and drinking, but I guess we will see if she comes around or not. Oh well, got other things to do, mainly digging some holes. and go to town for some posts a little later.
That is weird about your Khaki, maybe someone familiar with poultry diseases can add some insight. Hope it isn't a serious thing though it doesn't sound good.
I think the cold temp was saying "don't push it too hard"
You have a headstart on @Latestarter and his fence. He hasn't gotten his tractor yet, just started looking more seriously. Don't count yourself out yet!
Well the more animals ya have, the more likely there will be some weak ones in the bunch, so it is to be expected. Gonna keep an eye on her tho, and hopefully it will pass, whatever it is. Thanks!
Waiting on the temps to rise a bit before I get shoulders are Revolting from the cold this morning.
Okay, another day...a nother post. The cold temps hindered much progress today, but I ran to town for 5 more poles. So, there's 2 laying on the ground with no holes yet. Had to do extra work for the freezing Temps, so ran out of time and wind is really blowing with a Chill in it.
Oh, and about the Khaki hen.......just call me Inexperienced!!...guess it is a signal to be "Topped", but it sure had me concerned til this afternoon when I saw others doing the same thing...they don't care if it is male or female, either.... just Shameful I tell ya!...
These 1st "Experiences" with new animals will keep ya guessing for Sure!...
I was concerned because when Zia was having her (I ASSUME) strokes, she also sat low with wings out for stabilization. Of course she didn't just get up and walk away.
That's so funny! I just read a book about someone who thought her turkey hen was dying and turns out, she was looking for the tom! I was actually returning here to say that!
Same with my laying hens @NH homesteader. No rooster but a couple of the hens will mount others. I ASSUME it is a dominance thing. I've heard they don't do that if there is a rooster in the flock.