Herd Master
She's kind of thin for a 21 month old doe not in milk.
But, she also looks tiny for an Alpine.
But, she also looks tiny for an Alpine.
How much are you feeding her? What kind of hay? Hay quality?
I would send the fecal out to a different lab and ask for her to be check for Cocci and Giardia, along with the other typical goat parasites. Some fecal solutions can crush the eggs, so they may not show up on the slide.
I would also (if possible) have a mineral analysis run- it's not perfect but might show you something.
I have never treated an adult/pregnant goat for cocci, so don't know what you'd use.
I may have missed it, but how is her FAMCHA?
You said "she is supposed to be purebred"
Is she registered ?
I know Alpines can be different colors but I've never seen on that color
How much does she weigh?