CocoNUT - New Addition....


Overrun with beasties
Aug 11, 2011
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Ok...So I've been busy being sick lately. Ear is still filled with liquid...but it's no longer infected. Dr. says my nasal passages are all inflamed (throat looks good) we're working on getting the nasal inflamation down to release the pressure in my ears and let the liquid out. Fun huh? So when I'm not dying of liquid filled ears...I've been trying to make up hours at work.

Well...then new news is that this weekend...I picked up a suffolk bottle lamb. I know I know...I said I was 'good'...but I couldnt help it. He's sooo sweet...his name is Baa Baa cause he's all black (for now). He's quite vocal...poor guy. We picked him up I think he's a little depressed now cause eventhough momma didn't have enough milk for him and his brother...he was still in with them. So I slept on the floor with him all night! That didn't help with the ear thing....cause I have my fever again! But Baa Baa is sleeping on my lap as I type. He was being supplemented with a bottle by the person we got him from...and I have gotten him to take a little...but I"m thinking I might need to get out to Bridget's place and get me some goat milk! Evil complains that he smells's the lanolin! I can smell it on him!

But that's it for me. still job hunting. Still alive!

Oh...and on a flame rant...I picked Baa Baa up in the country. Well...Evil and I got lost (missed a turn) so I was trying to turn around. I pulled into a driveway to turn around and all of a sudden this lady in the car behind me is honking and screaming at me...gesturing....going insane! From what I could make out...that was HER driveway and she wanted me to get the "F" out of it! I told her I was trying to turn around and she replied with a bunch of obsceneties! Are you serious?! So I pulled out and went up the road a bit....turned around....and as I was driving past her driveway (she was sitting in her car)...I couldn't help myself...I gave her the international salute for all people of particular awesomeness! Evil even couldn't understand why this lady was sooo nasty! And readers...remember...if you're going to be STUPID like this...don't do it in your OWN DRIVEWAY...cause OBVIOUSLY she wasn't thinking that I now KNOW where she lives! I mean if I were just a little unhinged........! Obviously she was a transplant! whatever....


Overrun with beasties
Jan 21, 2012
Reaction score
Middleburg, VA
Oh OH! That lady! So what you do now is go at night and pee in her yard, just for your own satisfaction. :D

A bottle baby! Wowie! A ram lamb, I guess you'll end up eating him? lol Was that a CL find? Somehow that one slipped by Tim's radar. Now he thinks if we just got one of those feeder buckets with nipples, we can take in a whole bunch of bottle babies! Not. They are in the house. Crying. Peeing on the floor. So we have 3 now, 3 with milk from one goat! Tim's big cheese making enterprise is going down the tubes, since all the milk we had in the fridge is going going gone! :lol: The ram lamb we got yesterday was crying a lot, too, missing his mommy. He was with her up until yesterday when my friend brought him over. Now he's cuddled quietly behind my chair with his half sister. They are sooo sweet!

Sorry you are suffering from so many ailments lately. Hope you get better soon! :hugs


Herd Master
Jul 2, 2010
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Northeast Mississippi
That lady...if you can call her that...just doesn't know who she's messing with ;)

Congrats on your bottle baby...we need photos!!! I go with medical advice and I'm not a sinus/ear problems were greatly helped by Musinex D...that stuff worked for me and pretty quickly. Hope you get better soon!!! And sorry our horrid weather will probably be making its way to you... :hugs


Overrun with beasties
Aug 11, 2011
Reaction score
Horrid weather? Oh Bon...we don't know anything about that now! I woke up this morning and everything was white! I went to pick up Evil from Choir after school....and it was snowing again! Sleeting actually....and the roads were a mess. I'm hoping it's not supposed to be nasty like this for the rest of the week! Oh well... must've escaped Tim's radar...Baa Baa....he was a CL find! The gentleman I got him from has a decent sized farm. Nice operation too. But Baa Baa's mom lambed late (apparently...a lot of ewes are lambing late this year....) and she didn't have enough milk for both boys. He was the second twin and had to be pulled...he's so sweet. I think he's finally accepted me as his surrogate and he's doing a little better taking the bottle. His sucking reflex isn't really strong...but we've got a system going. He stays with two of my friendly bunnies during hte their indoor run when I'm not home. They're as big as he is! But that way he has access to hay and water (which he has eaten!) and company.

Oh and yeah...that lady was pretty STUPID! Evil and I discussed how it was SUCH a SHAME that I didn't have any eggs in the car with us....But hey...who knows what kind of day she was having. (Still doesn't justify her nasty behavior...but still...) I TRY so hard to be nice...but it doesn't always work. I just make sure people who spaz on me KNOW that I'm not a shrinking violet! I've had rednecks in our valley try to intimidate me....but I can "redneck" it with the best of them! Whatever...

Photos of Baa Baa are coming...I'm trying to get some really CUTE ones! And KNOW we need photos of your new bottle babes too....


Overrun with beasties
Aug 11, 2011
Reaction score
Well...right ear still has fluid in it...but it's not infected. So I have no other reason to NOT hear out of it. Just frustrating.
No chicks from the eggubator...I think I may've screwed it up. Nothing...nada! When do I pull the eggs out if they haven't hatched? :sick
Bridge...I'll be over to pick up one of those Tunis bottle lambs and some eggs here pretty soon!!! :plbb

Pearce Pastures

Barn Babe
Jun 14, 2010
Reaction score
Hanna, IN
How is your ear doing? :( Not being able to hear is so annoying. And did you get any chicks? We pulled unhatched eggs at day 23-24, put them into zipper baggies, and cracked them to see what the deal was.


Overrun with beasties
Aug 11, 2011
Reaction score
Hey Pearce! Yup...still have fuild in my ear. It's really annoying the poop outta me! I'm trying everything too!
NONE of our eggs I threw them off the deck...ended up hitting the roof with one of them! NOTHING in any of them!
We got at LEAST 4 inches of snow last night...probably closer to 6 though. It's still snowing too. I took some photos...will have to post them later.