Coffee anyone ?


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
This kid is one of a kind. He is collecting aluminum cans.
Wish my DD2 was even 1/100th as industrious as that boy!
Re: aluminum cans. I was collecting all the kitchen metal since I had a bunch of scrap metal to get rid of. Separated out the aluminum at one point then kept the separate BIG box of it for future aluminum. I THOUGHT aluminum brought some actual money. Turns out to not be so, a mere $0.08/pound and it takes a lot of cans to make a pound! The place I gained most on the effort was removing the aluminum fin from baseboard hot water pipe we removed when we put in the new propane hot air furnace. Without the aluminum the copper pipe moved up to "clean copper" which is worth more than "dirty copper".

All the sorting and separate storing of the "kitchen aluminum" was not worth the couple of dollars I got.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
We did some fence row cleaning! Trumpet Flower vines might be good for hummingbirds but not for fences and pastures. The roots travel for miles, they pop up everywhere and no livestock eats them. They make a tangled mess. The kid is excited to be working for his boat trailer. LOL LOL we got more fence row cleaning to do, then I think we’ll start on cleaning out the Sheep barn.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Bruce ; aluminum used to be worth $.20 to $.35 lb. Used to figure about $.01/ per can....we do not have a "return or recycle fee". Then it fell off and then with the whole c-virus thing it just went to he//.... They are discontinuing recycling in the city near here, there is no market for it at all. So much used to get shipped to China.... they would sort it and had some different industries that could reuse it. But with all this, and the tarriffs , China stopped paying for it and doesn't want it. Another industry that lost all the jobs for them. There is only so much they can reuse here...and there are no industries that are melting etc to "remake it". and steel/metal prices have been terrible for a couple years now.
I have been a recycler since the "70's" hippie era..... used to cut the metal rings off the plastic soda bottles before they went to plastic lids..... all that. I have finally just quit separating out my plastic because when they get the dumpster container full, the county winds up taking it to the landfill anyway. It is pretty bad that it is cheaper to make new than to take and melt down and recycle the old. Same with the glass, although places like your state there, that grinds it up to mix some into the paving material, and for some of the shoulder material. At least there is a little return on the aluminum. But it is meager. We have a trailer full of steel/metal and it isn't bringing but maybe $1 or $2 /100 weight. So it sits for now.
One of the good things about getting my own place now, is that I will be able to burn my "waste paper" that I cannot do here at this house either. I am shredding alot of it for the future chicken pens and such... but there is "dirty paper" that I used to burn... cellophane and plastic coated stuff that I always burned to not add to the landfill. My grandmother always had 2 "garbage bags".... one for burnables and one not. If I get the wood furnace, I will be able to burn it in there but for now a burn barrel.... I do still take any plastic bags from the grocery stores back to their collection bins.... but I try to remember to take reusable bags... but then with all this c-virus, they didn't want you to use the reusable bags....

I reuse my feed bags in the garden as mulch since they do not have a plastic layer.... but many do. Saving them in a pile in the barn for next year. Use them for garbage bags and such too. I DO NOT BUY PLASTIC garbage bags.....


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
You've got a good deal going there Bay, instead of paying someone to take the trailer away, you have someone working to pay for it! I expect to see construction pictures of the tiny house. Make it a condition of the trade :D

This boy has worked for us the past few summers. He likes to hang out with us and he channels all that energy into getting paid. The family lives between his grand parents and great grandmother. His PawPaw bales hay all summer and watches over cows for a man with more cows than he can count. So he has plenty to do and he is always cooking up new ideas.

Coffee is ready! We got more fence row to clean today, then start cleaning out the sheep barn.


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
Coffee is on.
Still working on getting the camper ready to go. DH baled our hay guy's pasture last night. They only got 66 bales.... but it was something and it's grazed pretty much year around. I got to pull the baler and rake home, well to the farm. They pull nicely. Been watering the garden daily, it's soooo dry. & weeding, grateful kids have been helping. Had kale and lettuce salad last night.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Woohoo -- we actually hit 70 out there this morning! First time all week and some days we were only 62-65. While temps were nice, actually, it was way below norm for mid June here. There's been a constant 15+mph wind along with it. At the moment, it isn't actively raining -- stopped couple hrs ago -- but could be at it again at any time. Yep, dark clouds circling. Very wet everywhere. As I rode by some of the fields of crops there were rows of water everywhere. Farmers won't be in them for a week or more.

Home today so I shut off alarms and slept until 8. Wasn't such a big deal since I went to bed about 2.....LOL but, relaxing just the same. Figured the goats were so "off" schedule with dodging rain for 4 days that they wouldn't notice. I was right! Even the roosters crowed late. Dark later with the cloud cover.

I'm thinking a walk-about to just do a visual on everyone and then I'm gonna be inside most of day. That's fine -- worked a long day yesterday to be able to do that. Maybe I'll do some things inside this house that needs me to do them! :hide


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
Coffee is on. High is 87° summer is here, need to take some time upload photos to my threads...been a bit busy. But in good ways. Kids have been swimming daily. They may miss the pool when we move.
Work on getting camper packed up, rabbit cages cleaned, till weeds in the garden, and run after a few groceries.