Coffee anyone ?


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
It will be much harder for them to visit with school resuming. Even a 3 day weekend isn’t enough with 2 days travel time. We’ll be going there in September. DG #3 Birthday is September 1, DDs Birthday is Sept 6. Already been told THEY have a 3 day weekend and WE can go see them! LOL LOL So we will be gone for 5 days.


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
9 pints of corn finished. Got rabbit cages cleaned and dd 1 picked the beans, I told her to stop so we had time to snap them. So have 5 gallons to can this morning then a trail ride. Will probably have to do a grocery run tonight.... not looking forward to that. Might do more cantelope jerky....not sure if I will have time to do that as the trailer needs loaded too.
Happy Friday

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Coffee working since 6. Today is goat auction. :yesss:

Trailer backed up to loading gate last night. Now, open gate, toss feed inside and let them load up!! That's 7 boys leaving. Have 4 more but, younger & won't go until 9.12 event. They'll be rounded up later today to feed up some & sell out next month. May pull a couple does, too.

I'm READY for them to leave!! :D :thumbsup

Two happy days -- easy birth and easy leave.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Good morning to all! Coffee is hot & waiting for you.:caf

It's foggy & dreary -- looks like rain any minute and we sure don't need more! Yesterday we had 5-6 inches in a couple hours. Talk about pouring --- 50 miles out got 9-11 inches. What a mess. Flooding and a couple roads washed out in addition to roads closed to flooding. Fortunately I didn't lose power, some did.

Yesterday I went to the auction and I took my mask but saw only 2 people with one on. Hmmm, we'll see how this goes. People from different situations/areas, hopefully no virus came with them.

It was good to see some regulars and talk. Getting there a little early we all said this will be "very good or very bad" -- for an auction. It got full and busier closer to start time. I had 7 bucklings and wanted to get there, unload and inside before the rains hit. Sure glad I did!! Like a Monsoon when it hit....but, auction had started and we all ignored it. I bid on a couple things, quit when it got more than I wanted to pay. Missed a group of young pullets I wanted as they didn't see my hand, in time. Oh well. My goats sold very well and I left with a very nice check. They had a few calves, some real nice Suffolk ewes, and some decent hogs...mostly boar. Sure thought of @Baymule as this big ole boar wandered the ring -- at least 600#, with tusks and his jewels hanging -- no one would bid! Finally the ring guy bid $10...SOLD. Most all else sold well...good buyers!
It was a fun outing and I've missed them, as they stopped in April with the CV-19 facility restrictions. Plans are now to be able to continue. Good, I have more goats being readied for next month!


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
We had so much fun. The 13 year old actually spent 2 nights here, most of the time glued to her phone, but we did manage to have a few conversations. LOL LOL The 3 and 5 year old still thinks Mamaw and Papaw are heroes. We went and picked up 30 Cornish Cross chicks, a 1 1/2 hour drive, on the way back the two little girls held baby chicks. The 3 year old is my shadow and she helped me set them up and get settled in their new home. I separated the new borns from the 15 two week olds with chicken wire. One got stuck in the wire and died. She and i buried it with her chattering away. Her wise philosophy was "You still got a LOT of baby chicks left" :lol: It's too quiet now! The 3 year old birthday is September 1, DD's is the 6th, so we will go spend Labor Day weekend with them.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Haha, a 600# boar for $10!!! At least somebody saw the value of all that meat. Our two guilts have a slaughter date of August 24. They are currently on milk soured corn, no pellets and all the garden rejects and kitchen trimmings they can eat. My guess is that they are over 300#, they are a couple of beautiful pigs! Our 3 year old granddaughter hit the house demanding sausage and her eyes bugged out when I told her that we were OUT of sausage! So we went to go look at the future sausage, bacon and pork chops. The 5 year old was licking her lips over the thought and wanted to know when they went to slaughter. LOL LOL

@Mini Horses I am glad that you got back to normal with the auction and got a good price for your bucklings. Auctions are going like a barn fire around here. They didn't stay closed for very long at all.