Coffee anyone ?


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
He tries but I am never going to be able to keep up. And he didn't want paid help.
Sounds like the wrong person is driving the tractor pulling the baler ;)

Coffee is ready. Woke up at 2AM, BJ woke up at 3AM. I tried reading to go back to sleep, but it didn’t work. BJ finally got up at 4, made coffee, I got up and got a cup. He’s back asleep in his recliner, LOL.
That coffee sure has a stimulative effect on him!

Waking up at 2 or 3 in the morning sucks. It doesn't matter how tired i am, I will wake up and usually can't go back to sleep. Then because I am so tired, if I sit down in the afternoon, I fall asleep. I need to get myself back on track.
Isn't that what MH told you when she posted:
The older we get the more sleep patterns seem to naps, late up, sleep in, only sleep in short cycles....makes it hard to plan.


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
Feel like I haven't got much done today... after chores I picked a few tomatoes-I'll cut and put in the dehydrator for sun dried tomatoes in the morning. School stuff, laundry, dishes... update rabbit website. so yes something.
@Bruce I'll get there, I baled a few last year but ran through a cow waller... get those holes fixed or let me start with instruction and I'll get there. Then DH can keep the bales nicely stacked on the bouncy a** field. I'm teaching him patience.... but I did drive 2/3 the tractors this weekend by myself.


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
And how would DH not have run through the same cow waller? He happens to know where they are? Or maybe it has a definite appearance the he knows and you didn't?

I'm sure you can do it!!
It's a matter of going around them to pick up the hay without the wagon getting into it when you then turn... not straight forward and a funky L shaped field doesn't help a beginner driving a larger tractor AND a baler AND a wagon.... but yep we'll get it. Some day we hope to get an accumulator/grapple set up. We are closer but it's more $$ and our poor old baler may need replaced sooner than later. It's a good one but we may not be able to get parts it needs due to it's age.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Rain here most all & on, pretty hard. I did chores and worked. Another gal has her DH in hospital and can't get to the work. So I'm working them. Xtra $$ but, wasn't really planning on it so juggling other chores. It about 30 hrs, so some long days all week. Of course, it will be nice on payday. :D =D

No doubt the fresh burn/cut fields got watered in! Tossed a couple bales of older hay into the goat girls barn, for bedding. Of course they felt the need to chow down on some before snuggling down into it for the night. Hey, it wasn't bad -- just older/drier, no longer "choice", or so I thought. 🤔 Of course....fresh grass was wet. It's fine.

Went to close first coop and, as has happened last few days, the four hatched pullets are not in coop like everyone else. There are two hens that appear to be standing guard at doorway and don't let these 1/2 growns in UNTIL they are ready to get on the roost. I had a talk with them! It was a little early but, I wanted to close it while only light rain as I was already getting wet. Last group of pullets I bought have 3 laying daily and about 5-6 more coloring up real good. Expect more eggs soon! They coop nicely and are very calm birds. Makes it worth working two coops. Got a couple holes in the tin on this one....will get it fixed this weekend. Dirt floor & not an issue for them, roost, etc. Minor but, want to fix. Some of the things that come with recycling, right Bay? :lol:

Better get to bed. Morning comes early and a long day of work coming with it. Wonder where you can get "beauty" sleep???


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
:bunny Coffee is on.
Beautiful day yesterday, another predicted today. We got some more veggies picked, made more sundried tomatoes. Did a grocery run. We need to mow the yard at the farm...guess we should have done it yesterday. Rain possible today and tomorrow.
We need to go through the rabbit barn, figure out who needs to be culled or sold, still have every cage filled and a couple of does due for fall litters.

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