Coffee anyone ?


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
Coffee is on. We got all rabbit cages, and a few other outdoor chores done yesterday. All the schools are closed today, the freezing rain and snow last night and this morning. Waiting to hear from DH how the roads are... DS has a orthodontic appt, DD1 has her riding lesson this afternoon. I'm ok if we just stay home. Do some baking and told DD1 we could make her pony his own rope halter. The ground was decent enough she worked him and we saddled him up, see how girthy he was... he did good. Was a bit sassy about moving out but that's ok. We don't mind a bit of sass as long as he settles and responds.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Your kids are so Blessed to have you as a Mom. I was horse crazy from the time I knew what a horse was. I can't even remember when I discovered horses, they just always seem to have been a part of me. My Mom never could figure out just where that came from and she wanted no part of it. I smile when you post pictures of you trail riding with your kids, camping out, working in the round pen, riding lessons and all the things that come with living the good life. You are an awesome Mom!


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
IDK it's all I know... I just do what I love and share it. My Mom always has "loved" horses... but she's not into the work they take... told me it was too cold to clean rabbit cages the other day... hasn't seen her horse for months. I think she saw him 3 times last year. I just don't understand. But I don't have too... I can teach my kids a better way to be.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Up and drinking! Coffee, that is....just starting to lighten out there. Watching weather on news while I consume my fix. They now say this winter mix will arrive tonight and I will awaken tomorrow to white stuff coming down....maybe an inch, sitting on cold, wet ground. Then early to mid morning it turns back to cold rain mix crap. Cold day in mid 30s.....below freeze night on Thu....mid 30s again Fri and melt off by Sat. What fun! I'm sure VDOT will be out there brining roads tonight. At least it's more of a nuisance storm than a blizzard. Every body shop in the area will have an increase in auto work. 😁

So, I'll get a move on to toss hay, open coops and head to work. I'll be near a feed store and will pop in for a few bags before heading home. Can't bank on the weatherman because 50 miles south of me they say to expect 2+ inches and storm moving NE. I may be a target for that. If so, we'll be ok at home. It's almost time for that trip anyway.

Looks like @ Farmerjan will see a little more snow but not a huge amount....that's good! Of course, her son will be working roads all night! TX y'all will be getting more rains soon...??? Didn't we all have this too much rain to garden last year? 🤔:rant


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Going to be sunny here today and tomorrow, high in the 50's. I am feeling a lot better, still have congestion and a sore throat, BJ is better, but still feels bad. We are taking Tylenol Sinus Severe. Can't find it anywhere, our friend and neighbor, Robert, orders it off Amazon and makes sure his family and friends have it. It really works and has done well for us! We are going to get out in the sunshine today. I got out in the sun yesterday, going to sit BJ down in a chair this morning for him to bask in the sunshine.

little known fact: in the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic, it was found that carrying the cots of sick people outside in the sunshine dramatically increased survival. Tents were set up as sick wards, putting the beds outside for fresh air and sunshine greatly dropped the death rate. The emphasis was on "fresh air" which helped-vitamin D was not understood at that time.


Herd Master
Nov 18, 2019
Reaction score
Idaho panhandle 48th parallel
Happy birthday to your daughter @promiseacres !
Glad you and BJ are on the mend @Baymule , yes, sunshine is great therapy! It not only heals your body, but is a good emotional lift as well.
God has the best design :).

Currently snowing here and 27F. But we aren't expecting any significant accumulation.
Kid#2 dinner day, chili and Painted Mtn. cornbread. Kid#1 has an open invite but haven't heard from him so I'll just make my usual enough-for-an- army amount. I can never seem to make just enough chili or soups, the amount of mouths shrink but the quantity of the pot doesn't lol.

Niele da Kine

Loving the herd life
Sep 5, 2020
Reaction score
Moku Nui Hawaii
Coffee! Yay! Yumm.

Guess I need to go pick it, actually, it's ripe and falling off the branches. Kinda a PITA crop to process without equipment, but it is pretty tasty if it manages to get roasted right. We only have a cast iron skillet to roast it in and it's important to disable the smoke alarm before starting. Hmm, or just leave it on and quit roasting when it goes off?

Finally fenced the garden to keep the wretched chooks out.

It's not a very big garden, it's just a salad garden. It's right outside the kitchen door so it's easy to get greens for dinner. Planted lettuce, sugar beets, beans (Good Mother Stallard & Navy) and some tomatoes and watermelons yesterday. If the chickens stay out of it, we may have some salad sometime soon. Although, there's several other of these gardens around and there's still some Romaine left there. That one needs some attention soon.

The sheep are starting to make a dent in the grass in their pasture, maybe one of these days that will be pasture like. They've been working on it since August.


The first babies this year! Woot! English angoras, five black ones and one albino. I'll save at least the best doe and maybe a buck out of this litter.

I don't suppose anyone is gonna commiserate with us on the weather around here. Windy, some rain and it's gotten downright cold. Lower sixties and we have to wear socks and, well, it IS cold when you don't have a heater in the house. We found a small electric fireplace at a yard sale so we have that in the bedroom since our electric blanket gave up the ghost and we haven't found a new one yet. When we find an electric blanket at a yard sale, then we will shift the electric fireplace to the living room. In the meantime, we have socks and fuzzy slippers. Oh, and long sleeves, too! Although those are really hard to manage since they like to drag into things like coffee cups.

The excavator guy was over yesterday, we hope to get a driveway up to the workshop maybe next month. Being able to drive up to it will be a huge improvement! We can get there from going through the sheep pasture, but that's a muddy hill and two gates.


It took a couple of days of severe grass cutting (I measured one stem of grass at eighteen feet long, it wasn't a particularly long one, just a random stem of grass picked off the top of the pile when I had a tape measure handy) but now the truck can reach the workshop.

We bought the property with the unfinished workshop and it's about 90% finished, so since we got the Little Rental finished and rented which is down in the front of the property, we can now work on this and try to get the permit finalized.


Up and down ladders to put a lot of metal Simpson fittings into the roof framing. Sigh! Ten foot ceilings are not going to be a good thing for the next several weeks.