Coffee anyone ?


Herd Master
Jan 27, 2017
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
Morning all. I'll have another cup PA.
Sounds as if a meat free day is the least of Colorado's agricultural community's concern.
WOW. It's amazing how far some of these yuppies have pushed their ideas.
we’ll be playing with granddaughters all week, y’all have a good week!
Enjoy your time with the grand babies. You have a good week as well


Herd Master
Jun 21, 2015
Reaction score
Sounds as if a meat free day is the least of Colorado's agricultural community's concern.
The government really seems to be clueless as to the effect of agriculture on the state. They seem to think all those things are easy to do, and farmers have such easy jobs. It is interesting how as they were starting to introduce these things, we were having a weekend where it did not reach double digits for more than a couple hours, including one day where it got all the way up to a whole one degree. The Colorado government could've cared less about the community, and instead was putting out laws to enforce people to bring pets inside. Just interesting how focused they were on writing laws that make our lives so much harder.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
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S coastal VA
Here at my house we had a 28 degree wake up morning. Brrrrr. Very light ice on waterers, like yesterday. Had checked at midnight and no new kids, hustled out early to be sure there were no wet ones at daybreak -- a favorite time to kid! Thankfully none. Couple does did have crossed legs and huge sides. Rest of week warming and high 30 to mid 40 nights. Ok girls, get it done! 😁 then I should be through with watching until May. :clapI welcome the thought.

Had 11 apptmt, back home. Now, what next??? Heavy work sched rest of week. Better take a walk about and see if there are any "must do" things to handle. ;). Then, pick a list!


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
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Shenandoah Valley Virginia
I cannot understand the total stupidity of people that write laws who have NO IDEA of what really happens on a farm. Especially a farm that is trying to be both profitable and a good land steward..... The first thing I thought as I read that was AI breeding, and preg checking, and the normal "BSE breeding soundness exam" which is to stimulate a bull to collect a small sample of semen to check for viability. The safety of all the people who use AI to breed rather than deal with a live bull on the farm... the profitability of not keeping open cows that are not going to help the bottom line. Or using a bull that for whatever reason, is "shooting blanks" and destroying a whole seasons breeding....
I am totally against perverted "sexual acts" against an animal.... but really..... You would not even be able to do an ultra-sound for preg checking let alone a simpler palpation.

I think all the ones that support these type things ought to TOTALLY, 100%, follow what their laws decree. Which means they can only buy milk or meat from someone who has cattle strictly on pasture, no selective breeding but using a live bull, waiting for the animal to be 60 months old before butcher....( ain't those steaks going to be sooooo tender.... ) eating nice old chickens (tougher than shoe leather) only having eggs during the "natural season" when mother nature dictates they are to produce eggs for reproduction... namely the springtime so that the chicks have the best chance to survive.... I mean, you can go on and on about some of this.

Not to mention the jobs that will be destroyed..... and the land that will be sitting idle, growing up into brush and then trees, and not productive trees but what ever manages to sprout....
Totally beyond belief.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
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NW Vermont
DD and family should be here any minute! Granddaughters all week!
Don't forget about us! :D

We had steak tonight.
So did we.

Sounds as if a meat free day is the least of Colorado's agricultural community's concern.
Good thing they changed "Dumb" to "non humans", otherwise people could kill their young adults once they hit 25% of their expected lifespan. Presumably that would be at about age 20.

How did they come up with 8 years for a chicken's natural lifespan? I only have 2 (of my original 12) that age. I don't kill my hens other than for serious medical problems, only happened once. There have been some predator losses bit the others that are no longer here died a natural death.

WOW. It's amazing how far some of these yuppies have pushed their ideas.
I wonder how deep PETA is in that attempted legislation. I have to believe it won't pass. 🙏


Herd Master
Jun 7, 2016
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zone 7a


Herd Master
Jan 27, 2017
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
Good thing they changed "Dumb" to "non humans", otherwise people could kill their young adults once they hit 25% of their expected lifespan. Presumably that would be at about age 20.
Weellllll with out that change maybe this bill would have never been heard of. There is no old farmer who wrote this bill. I'm a strong believer some people are alive because it's illegal to kill them.
I have to believe it won't pass. 🙏
All prayers help.
Just read the actual article. My thoughts are as follows: dskfjlkdsfklfjsdfkljdsj?!!! :he:th:ep:duc:tongue :gig (you get the idea). Way to go Colorado.
Yep. I think that would be the consenus here.


Herd Master
Jun 21, 2015
Reaction score
I cannot understand the total stupidity of people that write laws who have NO IDEA of what really happens on a farm. Especially a farm that is trying to be both profitable and a good land steward..... The first thing I thought as I read that was AI breeding, and preg checking, and the normal "BSE breeding soundness exam" which is to stimulate a bull to collect a small sample of semen to check for viability. The safety of all the people who use AI to breed rather than deal with a live bull on the farm... the profitability of not keeping open cows that are not going to help the bottom line. Or using a bull that for whatever reason, is "shooting blanks" and destroying a whole seasons breeding....
I am totally against perverted "sexual acts" against an animal.... but really..... You would not even be able to do an ultra-sound for preg checking let alone a simpler palpation.

I think all the ones that support these type things ought to TOTALLY, 100%, follow what their laws decree. Which means they can only buy milk or meat from someone who has cattle strictly on pasture, no selective breeding but using a live bull, waiting for the animal to be 60 months old before butcher....( ain't those steaks going to be sooooo tender.... ) eating nice old chickens (tougher than shoe leather) only having eggs during the "natural season" when mother nature dictates they are to produce eggs for reproduction... namely the springtime so that the chicks have the best chance to survive.... I mean, you can go on and on about some of this.

Not to mention the jobs that will be destroyed..... and the land that will be sitting idle, growing up into brush and then trees, and not productive trees but what ever manages to sprout....
Totally beyond belief.
One hundred percent agree. Honestly it would push all the ranchers to Wyoming and surrounding states. I've been watching some politicians lately on social media, and noticing what some do for their areas, and what others don't do. I think it's time that Polis comes out to actually see with his own eyes how much of the state depends on farming and ranching.
Don't forget about us! :D

So did we.

Good thing they changed "Dumb" to "non humans", otherwise people could kill their young adults once they hit 25% of their expected lifespan. Presumably that would be at about age 20.

How did they come up with 8 years for a chicken's natural lifespan? I only have 2 (of my original 12) that age. I don't kill my hens other than for serious medical problems, only happened once. There have been some predator losses bit the others that are no longer here died a natural death.

I wonder how deep PETA is in that attempted legislation. I have to believe it won't pass. 🙏
Well, I believe it was known that Polis did not support farming and ranching when he took office (not actually positive though). He did put a PETA member on the state vet board, and with the Californians that have been moving in, I actually think it has a shot at passing.
Just read the actual article. My thoughts are as follows: dskfjlkdsfklfjsdfkljdsj?!!! :he:th:ep:duc:tongue :gig (you get the idea). Way to go Colorado.
Completely agree.
I love Colorado, but I have decided that I will be moving out of state in August (at least temporarily). As hard as it is for me to think about leaving, this makes it a bit easier.


Herd Master
Jan 27, 2017
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
While in the middle of an 1,800+ mile trip about a year ago I started listening to some am radio stations. Some included neat little shows such as farm talk, gun talk, horse talk and most had conservative host like Rusch Limbaugh, Ben Shapario hoping I spelt the names right. They have some nice conservative views and some (not Rusch anymore RIP) good education on how to fight the bills going into court in CO.
A 5 billion$ loss is not a sneeze, and that estimate didn't include the cost of labor or pasture for steers for an extra 3 yea another 3 YEARS.
I know this isn't a political page but could help Polka Doodle, R2elk and any other CO'ians.


True BYH Addict
May 4, 2019
Reaction score
Ok, can I just say that chickens do not live to be 8! I have had a few very special birds who were ancient, but that is in no means average. And ducks only living to be 6? They seem to have longer lifespans than chickens. Seriously, which decrepit, undead, animals were they calculating? Was it their child’s goldfish that magically changes slightly every so often? Okay, I’m done.