Coffee anyone ?

Overrun with beasties
Mar 14, 2021
Reaction score
I wouldn't use my 2nd amendment right, unless there was absolutely no other option. Besides that, I like people, even bad people, so rest assured... I wouldn't shoot you or anyone else
LOL, you're funny! 2nd amendment right isn't a right to shoot someone. It's just to keep and bear arms.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
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Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
Just got on to say Happy Easter! We took a couple of bunnies to church for Easter photos. Then to grandparents to eat ham and have an Easter egg hunt. It was a good day.

I'll be on in the morning with coffee.


Herd Master
Jun 21, 2015
Reaction score
Evening y'all, hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. We had no shortage of things to get done this weekend, but it was very productive. It is always a good weekend when you get to share it with close family and friends.


Herd Master
Jan 27, 2017
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
Is there such a thing as death by 1000 cuts?

Today was a beautiful day, so I decided why not tear out an old barbwire fence row.

Well... In-between the nice conversation with about how google is not my friend and the second amendment and running the chainsaw, t-post puller, wire cutters, the bobcat, rolling up 5 strands of devil (barb) wire, briar patches, trees, rail road ties and snakes, farm babe and I got it done. It was only a acre and half. But I proclaim barbwire is of the devil.

Now I have dozens of rail road ties, round posts, 2 16 foot wooden gates, I don't know how many round posts and several trees to burn in our two burn barrels.

i think a nice long soak in epsom salt bath with do me wonders.

And to top it off asked me if I had snakes or demons? He/She had no idea what I was doing while we were having a nice conversation in this thread. But I think she/he must have been watching me work and laughing, as I was dealing with all that devil wire.

View attachment 83784

Edit...oh and what's the special relationship with a woman and honey suckle? I though farm babe was gonna cry when I drove the bobcat through a patch of honey suckle. So I left her about 50' fence and all, then she was happy.
Not to bad. If you have a big fence section you can make a nice ball out of them then you can color them into a flag. It takes a good bit to make a ball instead of just a roll. If you haven't bleed in a day you didn't do anything.
Coffee is on. School and then we hope to get over to the state park with the ponies. Another fantastic day of mid 70s predicted.
I rode today about 18 miles at a trot. Probably more than me or the mare has done in a year put together. Did some day work for a neighboring ranch. I'm sore and she is wore out. We're both going to be sore for 2 wks. Got another day Wed and Fri. 3 pastures averaging 125 steers and 3 miles from the pens. And chasing that one from the gate back to the other end roping (not me the other guy I can't rope) It wouldn't drag, lead or get tired and take a pushing. Long day.
The huge ice fort made on the south side of the house is shrinking

The three youngest had fun snowboarding on Sunday..... while it was snowing.

Looks sunny today.
I snowboarded twice. Once in OK in high school with a buddy's skateboard that he took the wheels of of. And again in NE when we got snowed in. That was off of the porch.
Yea never really snow boarded but I have done that.


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
Coffee is on. We did make it over to the state park yesterday for a "short" 2 hour ride. my youngest thinks 2 hours is too long... but oh well. Horses got a good work out, it was good for all. A good first trail ride for the year and we were in tshirts! :celebrate
Afterwards we took the scaffolding and "extra" rabbit cages over to the farm. We set up the scaffold upstairs as I'm starting on pulling the old nasty insulation out of the attic. Not looking forward to doing that when it's suddenly summer temps. But I guess, it needs to be done. (we need an emoji that is "working") 🥵

@CLSranch when we were kids we convinced our Mom to buy us ski poles one year at good will, then we "skied" on our sleds. Good times :D =D