Coffee anyone ?


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
There are 1)those that work, and 2)those that half-a$$ and 3)that get by and 4)those that can't be bothered.... if there is an easier way to get money... like the government....
The first category of those that work is getting smaller and smaller as the younger generations are so indoctrinated and their minds are corrupted. When I was a kid, and I am sure many of you, if you didn't work, you got some sort of a "penalty"... as a kid, chores or no allowance, or no dessert, or NO something. As a teen, if you didn't work, you had no money to buy things you wanted, no extra for records or tapes or cd's or dvd's... no extra special clothes or shoes or hunting equipment or something you wanted...
Our parents did not hand out fistfuls of cash for no good reason... You saved what you earned, or gifts, like birthday money, for something special. You saved for your first car and you worked to buy parts and pay for gas and insurance.... parents might help, meet you partway with added money... BUT you had to show that you wanted it enough to work for it.
Some did what they had to to get by, and some did what was required with little or no incentive to do more. They were either too lazy or not incentivized enough to want more. There are alot like that but that is good for those that want more or do more because those people will always be in demand because they do more and better so have a "job security" due to their work ethic.
Then there are those that find it easier to sit and let someone else do for them and have no ambition to have more or do more or do it better. Some grow up like that, and have no examples of what it means to have PRIDE in themselves and what they do. The ones that let someone else do for them, will simply sit and complain of what they have and that they DESERVE more.... we have brought up a generation of people thinking that they are entitled....and it is getting worse.
The sad thing is I honestly believe that as a country we need to have a horrible recession/depression that will force people to get hungry to get to the point of almost desperation.... so that they can actually get to the "bottom" to where they HAVE to start to WORK to improve their own conditions. It is well known that drug addicts and alcoholics have to hit bottom before they reach the point of being able to. and determined enough to want to improve their state of life.
I am not for wholesale starvation or anything like that, but the only way for people to start to have a little sense of understanding that they are responsible for their own selves, is for them to not have all these crutches to fall back on when things get a little uncomfortable. There is no incentive to take care of yourself, " the gov't will hand you a check when things get a little tough".... and this mentality is being fostered as the only way... SO THAT THE GOV'T HAS CONTROL......

The good thing is many on here have this work ethic... this belief that they have control of their own life and that they are the ones that can make it better or not.... and the younger ones are instilling it to their children.

I applaud each and everyone on here for knowing that they are what will stand between themselves and TRUE hardships... and have the knowledge, and work ethic to take care of themselves and their families and their friends in the kinds of "communities" that may make the difference between surviving and thriving, and total chaos.


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
Finishing my coffee... we spent a couple of hours weeding after chores. . Need to catch up after our camping trip. DD's uniform is in the dryer as she has another game tonight... and DS will go to dog 4H. I am going to try and mow the yard this afternoon. Sometime I need to go through my bunny litters too, probably about time to post some for sale.. so I need to make decisions.
FYI my youngest says she's going to live in the city... no chores or garden work for her she says.... I hope not. She was not happy when we attended an event at the library the other day... too many people she says. She's only 6 so she has time to appreciate our life. And if not, we'll she'll be ok then too.


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Once she gets to realize that cities and no chores also means LOTS of people and crowding, she will see that there are things to be gained by giving up other things....and that she will not be able to go out the door to fresh air and being able to do things because there is no space to do it....give her time....


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Coffee with toast and wild plum jam is ready! We have got a lot done the past 2 days. Neighbor boy Cooper is a big help. Today we are going to slaughter CCX, they are behemoths now. 23 more to do, I bet they will all be 8 pounders and more, dressed. It's getting hot and if we don't get them done, they'll start dropping dead of heat stroke, heart attack. cirrhosis of the liver, Covid, cancer, Alzheimer's, foot and mouth disease, and just because that's what they do. LOL LOL

I figure on slaughtering 13 today, package and put in the freezer tomorrow and slaughter the rest, and try to be done by Tuesday. One day next week I need the work the sheep, take fecals, use my new hand shears to clip 3 poor shedders, trim some feet and just general stuff. Cooper is all about coming to help with that.

Y'all have a great day!


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Cloudy, 70 and muggy. Supposed to have some serious rain around us but looks like we will be on the fringes again. Haven't looked at the rain gauge, had a couple showers last night. More rain coverage later this afternoon by the looks of it. Have to finish unloading a couple things out of the car, then heading down the hill.


True BYH Addict
May 4, 2019
Reaction score
Speaking about jobs, a local pizza place was offering a 1,000$ bonus! I also live near a beach, which means tourists, and so jobs are looking for anybody now so they make enough profits for the year. McDees is giving away free phones or scholarships, depending on which location. It’s insane. Who knew that the greatest need would be the unskilled laborers.