Coffee anyone ?


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
Yeah, that Z tag would be wonderful....
I make myself use the car more for work... convenient to have the meters and all inside..... but the truck actually gets about 1-3 mpg better than the car....I used to drive the truck for EVERYTHING until I got the subaru forrester.. and now the outback. I am really looking at putting a new motor in the forrester... I liked that car. Better gas mileage too.
Have to look at the forecast for here since DS wants to cut the sorghum... 30-40% chance this aft/eve into tomorrow... don't know after that.
@Alaskan , the prices on the vehicles were good... we watch for bargains, and sometimes buy something we don't really "need" because you never know. And DS has bought a few trucks over the years that he didn't need and then had someone looking for one and has been able to make a few dollars selling it and had the use of it for awhile. He will buy a few "wrecks" if the diesel engines are the right ones to use as replacements in some of his other trucks... got 2 right now that are "sitting" because he bought them for the engines.... most of our diesel trucks have 250,000 on the engines or more.... the one he finally had to "junk" had 450,000 and there were so many rust/rotted out holes in the cab he was getting headaches from the exhaust... we just used it to feed with... but it was just worn out..... he did salvage a lot of par off it though...


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Thank you for the coffee! I woke up at 4, looked at clock and went back to sleep. I can do that, no longer employed. I shall leisurely drink my coffee, pay a few bills and go outside to do chores. Then come back in to hug my AC.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Think $15K for fully loaded...doesn't THAT tell you how long it's been? 😁 :old
A LONG time!! ;)
The 2006 Prius "loaded" was about $25K. My 2018 totally loaded Prime wasn't much more after the $5K rebate Toyota put up, then there was also a tax credit.

That is the draw of new cars.
For me the draw of new cars is safety features. ABS on the '95 Odyssey, anti-skid on the '04 Prius. LOTS of things on the Prime.

The taxes on newer vehicles is just too much...after 20 years age, there are no personal property taxes on them here
No personal property taxes here.

The car is 17 and still under 100k logged.
You don't drive much!

but the truck actually gets about 1-3 mpg better than the car
The truck does better than the Outback?!? Was the Outback always lousy mileage?


Herd Master
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley Virginia
@Bruce... the 2wd ranger gets in the neighborhood of 23-26 avg around here. It is 4 cyl with 8 plugs.... 4 intake and 4 exhaust... a PITA to change them.... and I am not sure it really helps much but maybe it does. NOT one of ford's "better ideas" according to my DS... The outback is 6 cyl.. and gets 21-23 most of the time... has gotten 25 on the trips to Winchester which is 125 miles to that farm..... The ranger is manual and the outback is automatic so part of the difference... I have always gotten better mileage on a standard transmission. The manual in the outback says 19-25.. so it is doing what they say.
My Forrester got closer to 30 and it was automatic... but 4 cyl....
He//, my Eagle Talon, which was considered a "sport car" for insurance purposes.. 1983 I think.... which I had about 10-12 years really going through the "wild racing age" LOL....bought second hand from a friend..... got 33-35 and it would hit 80- before you even realized it.... I had to watch my speed all the time because it ran so good. I would have never gotten rid of it, but engine started knocking... it had 240-250,000 on it... and was very low slung to the ground and it was starting to bother my knees... DS knew a guy who wanted it and I got a couple hundred out of it when scrap metal was only 2.00/100 lbs.... so I was glad to let it go as a new engine for it was going to cost me about 4,000 put in the car. It was the smarter choice to sell it.
But the Forrester is in better condition, and is easier for me to get in and out of, and with the cost of new vehicles nowadays, putting an engine in it seems like a smarter move. I am still debating....


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Coffee is ready, on my second cup. Got 4 pints of green beans in The Beast, my All American canner. That makes 30 pints canned so far. I’ll wait the 25 minutes then cut it off and go outside to do chores. Then we are going elderberry picking. I’ll wash them then pick them off the stems, or maybe BJ will. Gonna dehydrate these on lowest setting. Vacuum seal and they will keep for years if need be. There might be a bad berry year in there somewhere. LOL

Hotter than blazes, yesterday I came in at 11:00 and darn near over did it. I got too hot, I gotta be more careful. Took a shower, drank water like a camel after a long trip. Then got round bales set in the evening, got sweat soaked again and took another shower. Going through 2-3 changes of clothes a day. Phooey.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Having coffee ...wearing silver sneakers proudly!! 😁 :old

Things are wet out. We had a couple of those scattered showers late day and again just before daylight. Fast...maybe 20 minutes but, enough to hang in the grass. The goats are looking at me with disgust, like I did it!! Wet grass is NOT their thing, especially tall wet grass. ;) Get over it!! I have to, so can you. Chickens and horses don't even blink about it. Besides, it's what keeps your pastures growing.

I'm enjoying a blueberry muffin. More on the counter, help yourself. Heading out to work soon. Everyone enjoy your day! :frow


Herd Master
May 9, 2017
Reaction score
Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
Coffee is ready, on my second cup. Got 4 pints of green beans in The Beast, my All American canner. That makes 30 pints canned so far. I’ll wait the 25 minutes then cut it off and go outside to do chores. Then we are going elderberry picking. I’ll wash them then pick them off the stems, or maybe BJ will. Gonna dehydrate these on lowest setting. Vacuum seal and they will keep for years if need be. There might be a bad berry year in there somewhere. LOL

Hotter than blazes, yesterday I came in at 11:00 and darn near over did it. I got too hot, I gotta be more careful. Took a shower, drank water like a camel after a long trip. Then got round bales set in the evening, got sweat soaked again and took another shower. Going through 2-3 changes of clothes a day. Phooey.
My dad's mom canned a bunch... but she usually froze the Kentucky wonders.

Not sure why. :idunno


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Good morning y'all, coffee is ready. I'm on my second cup, got a load in the washing machine. We will be gone for a few days. Daughter called last night and needed help. They are moving from Odessa to Corpus Christi. They have to be out of their house, the house they are buying won't close for another couple of weeks. A friend of DD's at the college where she is starting her new job, his sister has made a generous offer. She is going to stay with her brother, DD's friend, and let DD and family and their 3 dogs stay in her house. It is a 2 bedroom house....... 2 adults, 3 kids, 3 dogs, should be interesting. LOL Our son in law starts his new job either August 4 or 5, don't remember, so he's going to have to scramble to get all this done and go to work!

Anyhow, our son in law has a MG as a project car and it needs transport to Corpus Christi. They have 2 cars and one needs to be driven to Corpus Christi. So this is how it will go, Son in law will drive the UHaul, DD will drive the van full of kids and dogs, BJ will drive our truck and trailer with MG on the trailer and I'll drive their other car. We will leave Odessa early Tuesday morning for Corpus Christi, a 7 hour drive with no stops. With 3 kids and 3 dogs, no stops ain't happening. LOL It will be a long day. So we have to leave in the morning for Odessa. might have to sleep on the floor, DD has said maybe put the mattresses on last, that sounds better. They will have to park the UHaul until they can close on their new house and then unload. They will have to find someone to move the MG, it doesn't run, unless DSIL can get it running.

We will be back home maybe late Wednesday, maybe late Thursday. Neighbor Robert is coming over this morning to watch me do chores so he can feed for us while we are gone. Just got fresh round bales set for the horses and sheep, so that's a plus. Going to rearrange things a little this morning. I'll move the young ewes to a dry lot where Sentry and Sheba can guard on the outside of the dry lot, and still be in their pasture. Sentry might get the idea that Robert is hurting "his" young ewes and that would not be good. Sentry has gotten very protective of his young ewes. Got to increase water buckets and try to make things as easy as possible for Robert. The dogs won't get their kibble custom mixed with chicken, Al La "Chef BJ". To make it easier on Robert, he can just give them dry kibble. I fully expect to come home to pissed off, pouting, half starved dogs.

This will be a hard trip. It's 450 miles to Odessa, 500 to Corpus Christi, then 430 back home. I'll pack us some clothes, empty the refrigerator of things that might go icky before we get back, water the squash and green beans and whatever else I can think of before we go.

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