Elsewheresomething....haven't eaten since 6am and starting to feel it.
True, Alaskan...never shop hungry. But I was good...ham & cheese on whole wheat roll, pickled beets on side...ice water.Then chores were done. Miserably humid out there!!! Water tubs full of nice cold well water.
They took great care of her the 2 years she lived in the dorm. Not the variety non food challenged got of course. She moved into a house with 3 others last year and this year is down the street in a different house with other people. I don't know who does the shopping but she's still alive@Bruce
Don't you have a daughter with food issues in college at the moment?
I am ticked.... they are NOT taking care of my celiac kid....
We wrote it in the dorm/meal plan form.
I went to bed at 3:30 AM. See my journal.3am wake up? -shudder-