Coffee anyone ?


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Question for you all: if you discovered weevils in your flour, would you toss in the trash or make weevil bread for your chickens/pigs?
What do you think a flour sifter is for? Seriously, back a few generations ago, there were no air tight containers or freezers, flour got weevils and that was part of life. Weevils were sifted out, supper was made and that's how it was done.

I would bag up the offending flour, freeze well, sift it out and make chicken treats.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
The conveyor was misdesigned and only has a 5HP motor. That's seriously undersized so it needs babied until we can rework it during Spring Outage. That's the annoying part- everyone knows you can't drop supersacks too fast but they still did.
I will lend my favorite saying to you--



Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
evening all. it started off as a slightly rough day and got worse.. kids were tired from company and hard play yesterday so they were cranky. then we go shopping come back to my husband father killing cats (he not nice obviously) start looking for our cats. our young female had be inside but had gotten out when we were unloading grocerys finally found her after 20-30 minutes. then found our old male cat who hangs out with my husband grandfather who has dementia and Alzheimer's plus broke his femur either early this year or late last year. well our male cat had been shot in the eye. he some how still alive. done everything i can for him. trying to figure out what else i can do for him as we just dont have the money for a vet. Dh is livid plus it was his dads buddy that shot my husband in the eye because his dad and him took a five yearold with them while they were drunk and decide to go shot things. i dont even know what to say expect your not seeing us for any reason at this point. dh grandparents havent asked us to keep the cat home and he doesnt have any live stock so not like that was going on plus we have chickens and the cat never even gone for a chick. and if he wants to go there he needs to keep his dogs at his house so they stop breaking into our yard killing what few chickens i have left. we had 16 i think we are down to 6-8 maybe a few more i have seen some of the birds, kids and dh claim there 2-5others are still around. pretty much there was no reason to try to kill our cat. grant he poisoned him twice before but we assumed by accident as he was spray fence lines with poison which made everyone out here mad. now i am not so sure but clearly the poor cat needs tlc and dh needs prayers. the kids arent to upset as he still alive and he looks like he pull through. if anyone has ideals what else i can do for him let me know. i was able to get some antibacterial ointment the dr gave us for our cuts on the eye but he bearly bit me and he was wrapped in a towel and restained so fun times.
If ever there was somebody desperately in need of a new home, it's you and your family. As soon as you can, move far, far away. I am so sorry that you have to deal with a bunch of wacko, insane and stupid people, worse yet, they are family. Has your husband considered changing his name, growing facial hair, plastic surgery on his face, etc, maybe entering a witness protection plan, to escape the stain of being related to human rejects?


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Good morning y'all. Awake at 2 AM. Getting tired of this crap, I'd like to sleep until 6 or 7. Just not happening. :tongue

Anyway, I left yesterday morning with a heavy loaded truck and trailer. Max speed 60 MPH. I happily let speed demons fly past me. No way I was going fast dragging that trailer with me. Nope!

Got there at noon, friend showed up to help, another friend showed up to change door locks for me. Son was gone to get another friend with tractor. They got back and I had the treat of watching 3 men with 2 tractors doing their best to move a 40' shipping container to not much avail. Classic entertainment. They pushed, pulled with chains, and moved it a little. As far as lifting it to block it up? Nope. Gonna take a bigger tractor. Like maybe a cab 100 horse power big tractor. So, we unloaded all those concrete blocks.

Friend Jesse got the door locks done and came out to help with blocks. Then we all stood/sat around chewing the fat--a southern euphemism for a lot of talking and blather. LOL My friend Steve that came to help with the shipping container failure turned out to know son's friend Keith from 1979 and they had a good time visiting and reminiscing about old times.

Yesterday, I got one room prepped and painted, still need to do trim, door and the closet.

Son's house is in worse shape than I thought, I certainly do pick challenges. What's going to be my bedroom (eventually) was at one time, a carport. There was a opening for a door way on the back wall. That opening is still there, with apiece of plywood leaned up against it with some kind of book case against the plywood to keep it from blowing over. The sunroom on the back leaks because it was improperly joined to the roof and needs to be torn down and totally redone. The laminate flooring was not put down right and is loose. It should survive me and the first set of renters after I move on, at which time, he can put down better flooring. Laminate imitation wood with fiberboard backing is crap anyway. I've made that mistake before. There is a stack of various building supplies in the living room floor, the whole place is a mess.

On a bright note, when I got home with truck and trailer, I backed the trailer up where I wanted it. I haven't backed up a trailer in over a quarter century and never was great at that anyway, but I did it! (Baymule stands up, takes bows to standing ovation) :clap:clap:clap

I'm sitting here this morning in dismay at the piles of crap in this house. There will be a memorial for BJ here on Saturday. My plans of taking a load of big chunks, such as a freezer or two, a large walnut wardrobe, filing cabinet, couple of chairs, etc, have been dashed by the reality that the new to me house needs a major overhaul. So I must make room some other innovative way. I don't know at this time just what that is going to be, but I'm sure I'll think of something. Got to finish clearing and cleaning the porch too. :barnie

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Bay, another adventure! I will assume this is first time you were inside this house? Sure hope you checked plumbing while there.....beyond just flushing....😁. I'm sure that walk thru was disappointing because "major" to you could be extreme to many. Just saying. But the backing up accomplishment when you returned home was heaven sent!! Congrats.

You do have time to keep things where they are until some more work is done at this next house.....then a couple weekends of heavy transport. Not like it needs to all happen this month, so relax with that review and just adjust your time frame. It'll work better. I see time -- at least 2 months to renovate, another month to shine up where you are, then easy to list in Feb. Spring sales won't be real active until March/April.

Here at my farm, still very windy but there is sunshine!!!👍. Makes things seem so much better. Day 3 at home and weather has forced more inside work and cooking. Not a bad thing. I did get 6 qts of elderberries canned, needed them out of freezer for the room. Going back to work tomorrow...more rains Friday. Can't do outside, so might as well work. I can stay home the following week for some farm work. 🙂. Time management or time juggling? All the same really. 🤷


True BYH Addict
Apr 14, 2021
Reaction score
Zone 5b
My wife runs a club at her school focusing on LGBTQ issues and how to make their school more inclusive and she want me to be in their meeting today!! They want me to highlight what it’s like being a gay farmer. ❤️ I love those kiddos. I'm not too sure what to talk about. I haven't really faced discrimination because I'm gay. Mostly just because I'm a woman who doesn't look very strong at first glance. And even then, sure! You can carry 200 pounds of dairy ration to my car. I would want to do it anyway.

@Jesusfreak101 try antibiotic cream and wet food for a while, any cleaning you can do to the area is good. Witch hazel is a miracle worker. I will be praying for your little baby kitty. I'm so sorry.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Are you up to a visit to the school?

Too bad we have no lead time to come up with ideas. Is the club pretty much attended only by LGBTQ people? Seems like the way to get inclusivity is for everyone to see each other as people, not defined by their gender/preferences, etc. Maybe she could have advertised it as a visit by a farmer and a more wide variety of people would come?


True BYH Addict
Apr 14, 2021
Reaction score
Zone 5b
Are you up to a visit to the school?
Yeah! I think I'll be fine.
Is the club pretty much attended only by LGBTQ people?
Pretty much. From what I gather they have a few straight kiddos but not many.
Seems like the way to get inclusivity is for everyone to see each other as people, not defined by their gender/preferences, etc. Maybe she could have advertised it as a visit by a farmer and a more wide variety of people would come?
Maybe, but I'm not sure she would have picked me if she had. :lol: :hide


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
@Mini Horses I've been in the house before, but I wasn’t planning on moving in at that time. LOL Son has had two different men working on it. His job ended, here came Covid that shut everything down, he finally got a job, but is barely squeaking by. So fixing up house got set on the back burner.