Herd Master
Of course. Been there done that. We all have evac lists - what to load first (most important). Sometimes there is time and sometimes there is not. I have friends who have lost everything, burn marks on their vehicles "badges" to getting out. The rural areas don't get as much advance notice at times.That said, if all He!! breaks loose politically, then I'm bugging in. But a fire? I'm outa there with all my important stuff.
Unfortunately though the media are allowed to go into "safe" burned areas DAYS before the residents. Yeah - the tromp all around the burned out homes, through the homes, etc. As they do they BREAK things that could have been kept - i.e. china, dishes, trophies, etc. A friend that couldn't get back to her burned house saw it on the news, saw the "reporter" walking through her stuff, when she finally got home there were the reporters footprints all OVER EVERYTHING. News reporters from all over the world traipsing through private property willy nilly. Yup - it's something that frosts me (can you tell??? It's hit close to home more than once).
For us, we have our evac lists, evac plans, and are always ready if need be.