Herd Master
NEVER underestimate the Bay Mule!!!!!!And my husband told me I couldn’t do it
Actually, my new doctor IS a PANot even seeing the doctor, seeing the PA
Too bad the ad was taken down, I was going to have you send me the money, I would buy the horse so you wouldn't have to. Then I would have you pick it up for me, take it to your farm where it would live out its life because I don't know much at all about keeping horses. It wouldn't be fair to the horse for it to live up here with me.I really want that horse! Somebody needs to buy him!
As long as I've been alive! They say opposites attract but in at least the case of being unable to remember someone's name that we just met, DW and I are very much NOT opposites. It would be helpful if one of us could remember names.Anyone else have similar issues?