Herd Master
As I read this, I’m thinking of the coffee cup I bought at the Alamo. It has a picture of the Alamo on one side, a cannon and “Come and take it” on the other side. That Alamo spirit runs deep in the very essence of a Texan. You stood your ground, “Come and take it” from this trippin’ bitch. My heart swells with pride in you. Your back was up and you were ready, if pushed, to defend yourself. Those two just didn’t know how close they came.Thanks. It unfolded very quickly. I may be a trippin’ bitch (driver’s description to his manager) but I’m an alive, undamaged tripppin bitch. He almost wasn’t. Note- there were no apologies, from anyone. No Ma’am’s, no manners. That’s not the Texas I’ve lived in for nearly 40 years.