Herd Master
We got a half inch out of our flare up this morning along with some small gusty has passed and much quieter than it was a bit ago.
Here ya go Sour....Snow tomorrow night through Wednesday. They're still hedging their bets on how much. Last year at this time daffodils and crocuses were blooming. I want daffodils.
oh good grief!!!!Being one of those days, today.Hubby and a neighbor were trying to take down a couple of dead trees that were close enough to the property line that they could fall into the neighbor's yard - and on their fence and/or car. When they finally got one moving, it went about 10°off of the angle we wanted and wound up getting caught in another tree. I'd call the chances of it causing mischief from there 'unlikely, but definitely not impossible.' The other one broke in half and is now cradled about 20' above the ground in a tangle of smilax (it's a jungle out there!) While neither one is likely to cause issues for the neighbor in the future, we'd all prefer the 'clean kill' of trees on the ground.
I think mine better be an herbal tea.