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- #2,361
True BYH Addict
I don't get the bonus points.
Coffee is brewed. Add your own alcohol if you want.
Yep, my favorite. About the only comedian who could laugh at himself when he told jokes and not have it seem weird. If you hunt around you can find a show with the Rolling Stones in it. REALLY new at the time. Jagger looked so uptight.I googled Guzzlers Gin and found Red Skelton. My Daddy and I watched his TV show every week. We laughed and had a good time watching that hilariously funny man. What a loss for society that he is now gone. Today's comedians seemingly cannot be funny without being vulgar. They should watch videos of Red Skelton to see real comedy, they would learn something.
About the only comedian who could laugh at himself when he told jokes and not have it seem weird.