Coffee anyone ?


Herd Master
Aug 27, 2022
Reaction score
Southern CA
My son was in a wreck in Midland, Texas this morning and is in the hospital there. He’s waiting on test results now. He was banged up, hopefully results will come back ok and he’ll be released today, if not, he’ll be released tomorrow. A lady pulled out in front of him and he hit her. She is injured, he doesn’t know how bad and due to patient privacy, no one will tell him. At least she’s alive.

His truck may be totaled, he’ll worry about that later. When he gets released, he’s going to rent a car, he can turn it in at Lufkin and I can pick him up there.

So that’s been my morning.
OMG. I pray that he and the other person will be ok. That sure sounds bad.


Herd Master
Jan 15, 2024
Reaction score
Zone 3B
My son was in a wreck in Midland, Texas this morning and is in the hospital there. He’s waiting on test results now. He was banged up, hopefully results will come back ok and he’ll be released today, if not, he’ll be released tomorrow. A lady pulled out in front of him and he hit her. She is injured, he doesn’t know how bad and due to patient privacy, no one will tell him. At least she’s alive.

His truck may be totaled, he’ll worry about that later. When he gets released, he’s going to rent a car, he can turn it in at Lufkin and I can pick him up there.

So that’s been my morning.
Must of been going pretty fast to get banged up that bad, not saying too fast driving but just speed in general. He should be okay, when you worry is head on/offset collisions and being T-boned.
Wife hit a cow at 45 mph or more couple years back in the dark one of those black ones. She walked away fine, in fact was so ticked off time I realized something was wrong 30 minutes later she done hoofed it about 5 miles back to the house.
Talk about scary schit to go looking for someone in the dark with a semi and trailer on the back to happen up your significant other ones smashed in the front car with cow slung off in the ditch moo'ing. Just driving along and there the car was in the dark with no lights on and she was nowhere to be found. Trying to turn 65' of rig around on dirt road didn't help, but I found her walking back to the car. Backed it up few miles and pulled the car on the trailer. Tow bar saved her, and I put the cow out of its misery.
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Herd Master
Apr 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fort Worth, TX area
@Sequestered Ridge Ranch I almost had a similar accident when I first moved to Texas Gulf Coast. About 10pm, I was doing 70mph speed limit when I slowed down because the center line had disappeared. I manage to stand on brakes hard enough to not hit the entire herd of black cows completely blocking the road or end up in deep ditch on either side. I ended up calling 911 since they wouldn't move off warm asphalt with horn honks or idling SUV up close. It took about an hour for sheriffs to show up and get them off the road.