Coffee anyone ?


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Yup. She was rescued yesterday from second story window. Water was up to the second story and continued to rise. FEMA sent her buy out paperwork, she’s going to take the buyout.
Sorry she flooded out yet again, but it was inevitable. So much of the area around Houston was built in areas where storm water used to safely drain to. Still drains there only now it floods houses. Really glad she has finally decided to give up on that house. 3rd or 4th time it has flooded out?

I agree!! But I think we've all had that overly gamey "lamb" as well - it's no wonder it was thing to have lots of mint jelly with it!! :lol: 🐑
Yep, the only thing I can think of that would make people want mint jelly is to cover up the taste of something they don't like. Certainly would ruin the taste of quality lamb.

Working on finishing (as in stain and urethane) a bathroom door. Suppose I should have done that before I installed it almost 11 years ago. Still have 1 bedroom door and one side of the downstairs bathroom door to do. Have to haul the doors out to the barn, the stink is not acceptable in the house. I don't enjoy that part, solid wood raised panel doors are heavy and unwieldy.

Cleaned out the coop, need to add new shavings and put in the brooder area. I've been saving eggs from Nyx (Black Ameraucana with 5 toes/foot). Opened one a few days ago and it had been fertilized. Now I need her to go broody, something I've always had to break her of before. Zeus is an Easter Egger (the ones that look like Ameraucanas other than defined color rather than the new crossbreed "anything that lays other than brown or white" EEs). So the kids will have at least 1 blue egg gene, might have 2 if he is also a carrier.

Had to start filtering the stupid pool before it got gross, no one will go in it for at least a month. Still need to get the rest of the (current crop of) needles out of it and vacuum.

Need to go out and mow the lawn. I have been letting the alpacas help in the area near the gate to their area but it was sunny yesterday and is again today. Apparently they are allergic to sun, they hang in the barn all day. They go outside when it rains. So today is "mow day" since tomorrow will again be "alpacas go outside day".

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Pleasant 67 now. Sun all day - humid! - expecting 92* 😳 Tomorrow t-storms again, cooling to mid 70s for weekend. Wowzer. Weather roller coaster. Might actually turn AC on for the day.🤔

Working today, store by feed dealer, so I'll do that chore today with my "only" day of dry in a week....then close to home tomorrow & an all day job there. Gotta love years of toting feed...makes the 150' of dog foods I'm moving seem ok. 🤣 30# bag is the biggest. Did same reset yesterday at another.

Need to get chores going, top off water, back in to shower, dress, go to work.....enjoy your day everyone! 😁


Herd Master
Jan 15, 2024
Reaction score
Zone 3B
Third day of rain and I feel like I'm back in Forks, WA. About 2 feet of water on one end and about a foot on the other side of the pig pond, lets see how long this holds. Since our "genius" neighbor plowed the road right before all this hit while the ground was dry and hard, all the powder clay that filled the ruts has either turned to goop or ran down the ridge. For what little rock there was it's gone now. Seriously, how does one stop idiocracy like this when if presented in court for the destruction is perfectly legally due to he can claim he was just doing a good deed and this is private road? The person who owned the cabin before him did same thing, except he only half the rock out before he sold out.