Coffee anyone ?


Herd Master
May 9, 2017
Reaction score
Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
On my lunch break so have time to do some catching up. Haven't been on for a day and a half, lots of notifications to check out!

I did that one year when my garden was smaller. I used newspaper and grass clippings to weigh it down. It worked but needed a lot of newspaper (at least a few layers) and lots of grass clippings to make sure it keeps the newspaper down.

Nice! I don't know what varieties I have. The trees "came" with the house when we bought it.

GB glad your procedure went well!

I'm sure your kiddos would love to pick apples and make apple cider from your own apple trees! My son loves to make cider. One of these days hopefully I can invest in a better/bigger cider press. The one I have now is a tabletop one, it does the job for now.
I am allergic to raw apples, I get blisters on my lips and my mouth instantly get very itchy. Maybe this is just all in my head, I can't eat the apples from the store but I can eat apples from my own trees just fine. :hu Anyone else allergic to apples/cherries? I don't spray my trees with my pesticides.

Ya'll have nice afternoon! It's 78 degrees now but will go up to 85 degrees and thunderstorm is in the forecast.

the apples in the store are polished up and covered in wax. Maybe that is what you are reacting to. :hu

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Ahhh -- slept well and enjoying the coffee. Thanks.

Off yesterday and worked in the 90 degree day we had. Really wears you out, that heat and sweat. added some wire fence to a lower area of existing board fence & moved a 5 mo old buckling, soon to be adding four weanling with him. Covered in cut grass, dirt with who knows what kind of manure in it :cool: and was filthy! Long hot shower, then to bed on fresh, line dried sheets. Nice.

Work today but off tomorrow. Have 9 goat kids to give CDT shots, some repairs to a chicken coop I want to start to use again -- minor stuff -- and some extra fence to contain the occupants to their area until retrained for nightly cooping in a new place. Next week will clean up where they are now & not wanted there by me. :barnie Wanted to butcher some chickens but tooo hot.

You guys enjoy your day. I need to move on.:frow

Pastor Dave

Herd Master
Dec 24, 2015
Reaction score
Crawfordsville, IN
Finished baling yesterday, and might let it grow again for a second cut. My neighbor was eying the hay enough that I left him a windrow. I am using his homemade portable baler, after all. His is real thin and spindly, just abt a half acre. We were looking into Troybuilt walk behind sicklebar mowers til I noticed they aren't making them anymore, so unsure abt part replacement. I got into that with a '66 Gravely.

Took the dog out this am, fed/watered rabbits, and now finishing coffee. I have other work to do today, but trying to forget abt it awhile.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Coffee is ready. We’re babysitting the two little grand daughters this week. DD is studying for a test on her PHD. She has to answer twenty questions with 5 pages of explanation for each question. Then next week she has to take her test, that will take 2-3 days. So we’ll keep the littles so she can get her work done. I’m getting another cup.