Coffee anyone ?

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Yeah, coffee for me!! I'd sure love some bacon. Go to work later today -- demo is ice cream sundaes. Talk about busy! Will be making little ice cream cups about as fast as I can :lol: Sometimes I have a couple start to melt & I toss them into the ole gullet. Tasty.

So the 5 does in milk are killing me! 4 have doelings still with them, so some help. :D =D Generally they all give once a day to me. One little gal had twin bucks, so she gives me a little more work BUT a mini Nubian so very rich milk but, less of it. Looking at her milk, no wonder her kids always grow so well! Frig is busting at seams so Sunday will make cheese. That's my "day off" this week. :clap

I'm still on track to "retire" in summer of 2019. This milking sure makes me realize that I will need to if I am keeping up with milk. Then, what do I DO with it all? Of course I don't have to milk them all but, why have dairy if you don't? Catch 22. I can sell some trained, in-milk does (which I plan to do) -- just need another source for some of the milk. The kids can be pulled and fed, can get a couple feeder pigs, still -- when you get a gallon a day and have 11 in milk...…:ep….get the picture? NOT getting into gov't regs & an "official" dairy. May think on "herd shares". Still a great deal of handling and sterilizing and people issues for pick-up & delivery. Soaps & lotions work but don't really use a LOT of milk. :idunno I have a few months to think it out....not even breeding season yet :D (Downsizing to 2 is a option :th) Did I say that?!

My truck decided to have issues this week. DS finally got around to it -- who knew horns were such a PITA? Location is poor & need it for inspection. Then, while looking at his work, I notice something in the stabilizer that is in need. Back to auto parts place! Wrong part, going back today. AND his truck's starter died, so picked that up last night for him. Take that core and my wrong parts back in a few. Never ends. Guess I'll check feed needs -- TSC is right there & no reason to make more trips.

YOU ALL ENJOY YOUR DAY!!! I need to get busy out there.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Mini Horses, when you are getting lots of milk, freeze it. Then you won't have to keep milking all year long. Get you a good supply in the freezer and dry them up.

I watered for over 2 hours, drenched everything good and deep. Tonight I'll set the sprinkler on the peas for a few hours. Let the sheep out in the yard to graze, they are on the pipeline now, I'll be watching them to see when they are ready to go home, back to their cool barn. Going up to 102-104 today. HOT!


Herd Master
May 9, 2017
Reaction score
Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
Hey -- anyone heard from Sourland, Alaskan, and Wehner? Haven't seen much from them lately. Of course it's that time of year to have more work than time. Just hope all is ok otherwise with them.

Sourland went on vacation .... uh..... for some reason, and somewhere.... now I forgot.


my dad got sick, I had to last minute figure out how to get all of my aninals taken care of and get down to Texas with the kids to see him, as fast as possible. I got down there Tuesday morning. then he died Thursday morning, then the funeral, then visiting with everyone who had made it to town for the funeral, then we all had to get up to Portland for my eldest to be tonsured a sub-deacon... then I keeled over for a week.

Just now starting to move again... this last month was a bit much I tell 'ya.

Think I need to sell the goats before next summer.... next summer NO KIDS will be home to milk. ... .... tried selling them already, market here is no good.


The first 2 carrying the coffin are students of my dad, the rest are all grandkids

I would do a dead dad shot.... because he sure looked better dead than alive -sigh- but maybe that would offend.... So moving on....

my kid being dressed as sub-deacon by the metropolitan



Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Alaskan, that is bittersweet. You lost your Dad and your son being tonsured a sub deacon all in the same week. I know you will miss your Dad. My parents are gone, my sister and I are now the "old generation". It is a final thing when you bury your parents. Hugs to you for your Dad.

And the young generation marches forward. I know you are so proud of your son, what a wonderous thing for him.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Alaskan, so very sorry for your loss of your dad. I am glad that you are well. Your family is very proud of your son, I'm sure, and rightfully so.

Just miss & worry about those who normally post and then "stop". We are at that age when, well you just don't know -- so we check your whereabouts. Thanks for stopping in.