True BYH Addict
X2million!!!Love it!!!
We are still here, still alive! Nothing really happening like they predicted for us yet.... Some wind, a light bit of rain with a few minutes of downpour here or there....
Rufus the Rufus's soon to be new mom is one of those rescue workers. She is a firefighter stationed somewhere that way to aide in rescue and relief efforts....
I've been through a gazillion amount of hurricanes too, but I sure would have loaded all my critters onto the trailer, goats in the way back of the sub, having no horse trailer I would have saddled up Rose and we would have All rode out! I have a trail horse for a reason, it's called camp out if need be! No way you would have caught me staying OR leaving my animals behind. There was a lady over on BYC asking if a week's worth of food and water was good for her chickens to leave behind.... In Wilmington..... Where it's flooding and they are riding boats down the road.... Really woman? Expect your chickens to either drown or be starved! That should be animal cruelty. Get a crate, put them on a towel in your back seat and if you can't take them to your hotel, go around to the area farms and ask if they can house them. There were tons of stables and farms opening their barn doors for refugee critters AND owners! Heck! They could have come here! It boils my blood. I get it, chickens are bottom of the totem pole, but they are still living creatures who depend on us big bad humans to care for their well being. Sheesh.
Ok, rant over. Half of my day was lazy spent with the younguns, the other half we finally got that new brood house in exact location, leveled, and the pallet fence up between the three buildings. I also painted some in my tack/feed room. Triple color scheme. Duke blue on bottom, Heather grey on top, white trim.... Thinking of going grey on the ceiling as well.... It's ugly. Then I'll sand and coat the flooring.... Also need to paint the shelf that came with it.....
Watching college football now listening to the rain and the ducks.... (Have I mentioned how much I love their butt wiggles! Hehe).