Coffee anyone ?


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
May get some rain late week from that disturbance going thru the Carib now
Current forecast says Michael will hit the Florida Panhandle around Wed afternoon as a hurricane.
I know this post has taken off on its own since @Sourland began it, but where has he been since July? Anyone heard from him?
He's been posting on BYC. He and the Princess went on a multi week vacation a few weeks back. Not as far back as July though!

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
I think the pic of that feast Devon posted looks yummy! I'm thinking the goat meat would work out about the same. Hmmmm. Also, tart cherry juice would do a similar job at both flavor & tenderizing the oat meat. It is tasty, just a long grain meat and so, more chewy than "tough. The wine/juices break it down. Even some balsamic vinegar would do the job!

So this AM with my coffee I had some "made yesterday" goat cheese & crackers. Real buffet, huh? Well, too much milk in frig, so cheese & cream. Today I'm hoping to do some butter, as soon as I finish the goat meat packaging. :rolleyes:

Being my 4th day in a row at home....I am relaxing to find how rewarding it can be. Did chores, collected eggs, played with the younger animals, visited with the older ones and gave the all a good look over, some hugs, etc. Even with the unplanned events, anxiety & resolve, I found time & calm to "enjoy" being at home, knowing I had the next day at home and planning accordingly. It is going to be very nice when I can truly "retire" next summer. I got a glimpse fo how it will be. For those of you already there, kudos!

Been a lot nicer than "this is the only 24 hrs I have" to get things beyond those daily feed care chores taken care of. :):old

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
WOW. In VA you cannot title or license a limo without the final inspections for the cut & rebuild. Wonder how they got it on the road without that? The rental company will have a lot of questions to answer! No valid vehicle AND no valid licensure driver. We made limos and ran a service in '90 in VA. It's a really tight system here for vehicle inspections, your premises, equipment, etc. Our welders had to be certified, the equipment to hold, align, etc., constantly inspected.

I'm surprised the vehicle was "on the road" but we all know how some can evade the laws. Sounds like it was also overloaded with passenger numbers. Such a shame that a whole family -- and then some -- were totally destroyed.:(