Coffee anyone ?


Herd Master
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
East Texas
I liked things a bit better when I was much younger, a lot smarter, and broke up with any and all girlfriends right before Thanksgiving and didn't make up or get a new one until April or June.(my birthday is in June)
Didn't have to go to their house for Thanksgiving dinner.
Didn't have to buy 'em a Christmas gift, go to any of their dumb Christmas Parties.
Didn't have to eat awful Christmas Day dinners at their Aunt Margaret's place with 20 linoleum lizards and rug rats running about with their noisy new death ray Christmas presents.
Didn't have to sit thru the drudgery of watching a specific 'her' and all her friends get sloppy drunk/sick on New Year eve or eat yet another boring & uninspired New Year Day dinner.

Make up or get a new one before Easter was about the right timeline, as I really didn't mind going to Easter church services and, ... watching bratty kids bawl because they didn't find many eggs wasn't too much of an ordeal, and of course, there is something to be said for 'making up' .......if ya get my drift..........
It saved me 100s (thousands? )of $$ over the years..not having to buy flowers, jewelry, heart shaped boxes of expensive candy, the latest greatest gadget, bottles of good wine to take to the host's house when we ate, or listening to the never ending drama young women deem to be some sort of rite of passage or asset.
Ah, the joy of exercising one's unalienable right to the happiness of pursuit..
Then, I actually caught one (or got caught..depending which story one believes) and all that changed...

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Herd Master
May 7, 2013
Reaction score
I hope when he got in you didn't slit his throat.
Didn't have to cuz he wasn't late. My "love language" is Acts of Service. A gift is not the way to my heart. Mow the grass, cook, help clean - those say love in my book.

For Christmas one year he bought me the most beautiful necklace and earrings - lots of carats and lots of zeros in the price tag. Not to sound ungrateful - but I had him return them and had a barn built for less money! :celebrate

Mother Hen

True BYH Addict
May 9, 2017
Reaction score
Crewe, VA
A barn is good plus you don't have to worry about it getting stolen or lost.
I wish sometimes my boyfriend wouldn't spend the exerburant money on me but I know and understand that he's showing me he loves and appreciates all I do for him and he's trying to give me everything that I never had before so I don't complain, groan or moan about it.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Did you get a vacuum @RollingAcres ??

Happy Valentine's Day to all. Today is our 23rd anniversary. 4 years ago today was moving day for us. We left our old life behind and moved to our new life. We're having a blast. Hope everyone's day is a good day today!
Easy day for you to remember!!

Didn't have to cuz he wasn't late. My "love language" is Acts of Service. A gift is not the way to my heart. Mow the grass, cook, help clean - those say love in my book.

For Christmas one year he bought me the most beautiful necklace and earrings - lots of carats and lots of zeros in the price tag. Not to sound ungrateful - but I had him return them and had a barn built for less money! :celebrate
You are my kinda woman! I hope his feelings weren't hurt but that barn is WAY better and you use it every day of the year. Fortunately DW isn't a jewelry kinda gal, she wanted a pearl necklace for a wedding gift, wore it that day. It's been in the safe deposit box for 28 years. Don't suppose it is specifically what she wanted this year but the beef barley soup is on the stove.