Coffee anyone ?

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
None around me :(

PLUS With the week of unusual warmth in Early Feb -- my plum tree bloomed! Of course, the freeze 2 wks later killed the fruit.
2nd yr in a row for such loss. :he If it happens 2020, I'll probably make the tree firewood! Can plant something else that may give me fruit. :idunno It's never been a real good producer and the fruit is small. Rather have some tart cherries.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Had a good day yesterday, fencing work pretty much done. animals rotated in pastures. Did some grass cutting and DS did a good amount of weed eating for me. :D Appreciated that! Of course, now I need to clean up after that "help" :lol: but, it's all good.

Rained late day & last night, a fair amount, as predicted. Really overcast this morning, rain showers later today & with T-storms for Sat thru Tues :eek: Don't need THAT much that close but, it is what it is.

Breakfast is steak & lima beans today. I'm on 2nd cup of coffee, then to chores. :D =D I got fed first today, unusual. Then it's off to work. Today -- I will simply give out coffee and donuts. Ya know, 300 donuts is a big pile!!!:D Glad I have a decent breakfast, cause you can guess what lunch will be :lol: A sugar high!

One of my hay suppliers (a farmer) sent a notice that he has baled some really nice oat hay. Arranging to get a load of that next week, after the rains move out. He's got some grass hay, too -- so need to take the trailer when I go. The goat weaning & milking fiasco begins next week. 2 does had only bucklings, so they will be 2X day right away. 3 more have doelings to work on them for me....until I can get back into the routine. :cool: Fortunately for me, I have a very slow "paycheck" work week. I'll knock that out on the rainy days :D =D & leave the dry ones for the farm. Nice to have the option.

Everyone enjoy your day -- whatever it brings!! :celebrate


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
Screenshot_2019-06-07-09-15-09.png ......looks like summer has Arrived!!.....:)


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I slept in too. I stayed up late reading a book and I was exhausted from yesterday. I got in machete mode and chopped a pile of tall weeds and put them on the burn pile. Then I pulled all the black nightshade I could find. We went to Lowes and got busted bags of rock and 16 bags of lime. After some discussion with the fertilizer man, he said he wouldn't be able to get his truck in here, due to the many trees and the gully that bisects the pipeline. So I put out lime with a bucket, throwing it like sowing seeds. I put out 640 pounds, it may not sound like much, but my pastures are small and I didn't lime the woods. I threw it where I am going to sow giant Bermuda seeds. I looked like a ghost. Yes, I wore a face mask to keep from breathing it. Today we'll spread the rock and I plan on running the disc where I am going to plant my Bermuda. Maybe. I have plums that need to be cooked or bagged and put in the refrigerator. :)

Right now the most important thing is getting another cup of coffee.

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
I am into coffee mode now -- I, too, slept in! That kinda day :D

Had some plans but, rain has changed them. :( Now, it's chores, pick-up my new glasses, the few things on shopping list and back home. It's pretty wet in the grass and too wet to do tractor work well. More coming next 3 days, so don't want plowed ground to make mud. :D At least the grass "uses" it.

I did give a clutch of eggs to a hen setting for 2nd time this yr! @Baymule you should have this one -- a broody, broody -- a Ninja mom! She stole a nest from another earlier...they then shared it. And when each had only one chick, I took the chicks and put with some others. No need to waste 2 hens on 2 chicks! Plus, the chicks were unsure who mom was. She is determined and back at it!!! I gave up & placed eggs last night.
3 more setting. Golf balls. :idunno Maybe I will give them eggs.

I could always vacuum and that stuff :hide :caf Thinking.:D