Coffee anyone ?


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
Coffee is on.
@MatthewsHomestead I have had decent luck selling/buying cages on craiglist and Facebook. Depending on condition $10 to $20 per stacking cage, hanging cages even in good condition do seem harder to sell though.

Last night DH tedded the hay. We're demo'ing a "new" tedder but it's had some damage from shipping and was previously demo'ed...debating if it's worth the price DH's company is wanting, but it is nice to have... especially with those pop up storms the other night. While he worked in the field I drained all the faucets that were treated with the chlorine.... then kids and I picked mulberries. 65388127_10217627621256079_6986492119217078272_n.jpg they did a good job even though my two older ones won't eat them.:hide I told them I should take them blueberry picking here in a few weeks... Last time I went was several years ago and it was better NOT to take the kids. Need to get moving still have cookies to bake, books finished. Then 4H electric judging this afternoon and baling this evening. Went after groceries yesterday instead of working on the cookies and 4H books. But found DS an lab coat for showman ship. :woot

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
On 2nd cup here. :D Temps good right now at 81 but into mid 90 later -- humid! Tomorrow & Sun 100. Yep, it's hot here. :D =D LOTS of water trough filling. Possible rain Sun evening. It will be appreciated on my pastures.

I'm watching the elderberry ripening. Just starting and it's a rush to beat the birds! Will probably get a few boughs each time, freeze as I do, until I get enough. So be it. :) Some young elderberry plants on the farm are being flagged, will relocate some but, don't want them cut down or eaten along with honeysuckle & such growth. Hope the goats understand they shouldn't defoliate those flagged plants. :old:lol:

There is a u-pick blueberry farm about 10 miles from me. I'd like to get there next week. Glad they don't weight you going in and out. I do eat! :D =D Will need to look at time I have. May pick, freeze & process later for jams, etc.

Guy roll baled some nice orchard across street -- normally he squares. They don't look to be as large as most...need to go check it out and price. I can handle them if they are in the 700 range. Those 1000+ I have to wrangle. They can load on trailer & then at home is the issue. But, I have a carport that animals use occasionally for shade & it is perfect to place rounds for winter. Helps to not have to handle on a daily basis. I can limit their access to keep them out now & to graze one at a time later. A no brainer:idunno Add to list! :lol: Been walking, watching, thinking about re-purposing all that is "farm", including fence relocation. Big job. Thinking for 2020 "retirement".

Anyone heard from Wehner Homestead? Not seen posts in a long while...hope all is ok.
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Herd Master
Mar 10, 2019
Reaction score
Middle Tennessee
On 2nd cup here. :D Temps good right now at 81 but into mid 90 later -- humid! Tomorrow & Sun 100. Yep, it's hot here. :D =D LOTS of water trough filling. Possible rain Sun evening. It will be appreciated on my pastures.

I'm watching the elderberry ripening. Just starting and it's a rush to beat the birds! Will probably get a few boughs each time, freeze as I do, until I get enough. So be it. :) Some young elderberry plants on the farm are being flagged, will relocate some but, don't want them cut down or eaten along with honeysuckle & such growth. Home the goats understand they shouldn't defoliate those flagged plants. :old:lol:

There is a u-pick blueberry farm about 10 miles from me. I'd like to get there next week. Glad they don't weight you going in and out. I do eat! :D =D Will need to look at time I have. May pick, freeze & process later for jams, etc.

Guy roll baled some nice orchard across street -- normally he squares. They don't look to be as large as most...need to go check it out and price. I can handle them if they are in the 700 range. Those 1000+ I have to wrangle. They can load on trailer & then at home is the issue. But, I have a carport that animals use occasionally for shade & it is perfect to place rounds for winter. Helps to not have to handle on a daily basis. I can limit their access to keep them out now & to graze one at a time later. A no brainer:idunno Add to list! :lol: Been walking, watching, thinking about re-purposing all that is "farm", including fence relocation. Big job. Thinking for 2020 "retirement".

Anyone heard from Wehner Homestead? Not seen posts in a long while...hope all is ok.
I'm curious...what do you do with the elderberries? :)


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
Check with @Devonviolet (it may be in her journal), she's the resident "pusher" for the health benefits of elderberry syrup. I bought some elderberry Kombucha at the healthy food store, I had been given a quart of homemade raspberry the week before. Mostly they both tasted like vinegar! Sounds weird but oddly enticing.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas

Elderberry keeps the flu virus from multiplying. You might have the flu, but the original virus will die off and cannot keep making more virus, so in about a week or so, you are much better.

Elderberry Honey Syrup
2 cups dried Elderberries
6 cups Filtered Water
2 oz sliced, peeled ginger root, cut into small pieces
36 oz (Net Wt) Raw/Unfiltered Honey (Local honey is best) or less, to taste

Combine Elderberries, ginger and water.
On stovetop heat until boiling. Lower heat and simmer for 20 minutes.

Pour into large fine screen strainer over a large bowl. Using large spoon, stir, scrape, mash berries until most of the fruit is off seed and moisture is squeezed out. Rinse strainer with an additional 1/2 to 1 cup more of filtered water, to get all the residual goodness of the berries.

Cool to body temp and add honey. Heating raw honey destroys the enzymes, that give honey it's healing qualities.
Pour into 1/2 gallon canning jar or 2 quart canning jars and refrigerate. I put some in a used honey bottle for easier dispensing.

To minimize risk of getting the cold/flu virus, take 1 Tablespoon of this syrup daily, during cold season, or when you suspect you might get a cold. If you do get a cold, start taking 2 Tbsp three times daily for the duration of the illness plus 3-4 days.

@Devonviolet gave me this recipe. You can get dried berries on Amazon.