Coffee anyone ?

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Everyone seems to be up and moving about this morning...always great to see!! Here, I awoke to heavy fog. It's hot, it rained HARD 7-9 ish, then slow & steady until after midnight. Everything is wet!!!! News say we got approx. 3". Yep, we sure did.

So, now, the grass -- that I JUST cut -- has grown all that back. I did get milking done as the first drops began last night. Took that gallon in & reduced that plus another gal into 2 qts of lovely ricotta. I am not making a great deal of progress in "keeping up" :eek: But, every little bit counts, right? Too wet out right now to do much, so will see what I need to do to can some milk....will freeze a little for soap making. In winter I could use the canned for making pumpkin pie. :D And in my hot tea. :D =D

Ahh..Amber, bunny heaven! Wish I were close enough to help with the hugs & cuddles. That's the best part. :love Glad the dog is OK now.

PromiseAcres, I could use a quiet trail ride right now. Bet YOU could, too! :D =D Will need to keep checking your journal for "results" .

Back to work tomorrow for 4 days. :idunno

Chores are done, I'm back in for :caf Maybe some toast now.:rolleyes: Sounds like a plan.
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Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
Reaction score
she is so cute and tiny. and oh my goodness rabbits everwhere lol. i am good i am not the biggest fan i have two does and one buck i breed this fall and in spring. meat buns only my daughter wants a pet bun or hamster she in charge of the care for the rabbits now along with feeding the dog and two cats. my oldest son and youngest feed the birds (chickens , ducks, geese) and collect their eggs. its always cracks me up the gander is scared of the one year old but ny daughter who is 6 runs from him and he chase her and only her she learning to chase him and kick his tail feathers if he tries to go after her. normally her brothers come to her rescue and chase him off lol. i an getting started later then i planned. my hubby and his grandpa had to take three bull calfs to auction this morning and hubby wanted us to come so we went. so finaly getting to milk and feed up and its hot already but later suppose to be 100+ so i will deal with 85-90 with humidity.


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
Reaction score
NW Indiana
PromiseAcres, I could use a quiet trail ride right now. Bet YOU could, too! :D =D Will need to keep checking your journal for "results" .
That's sweet of you to think of us. I'm planning on just that come Friday... my trailer is down... :( mysteriously the jack got bent while we were gone a couple weeks ago..) but asked a neighbor/friend this morning if I could borrow theirs until mine gets fixed.

Got the bunnies tattoed, nails trimmed and photos of the ones we'll sell. might go sneak a nap...DH can't hardly sleep until Thursday... I can't seem to get enough...


Herd Master
Jan 29, 2018
Reaction score
kids are so weird.... my son loves babies he also loves freaking out his sister most of the morning he had baby dolls breastfeeding off of him and then he started go at them with a sword..... :idunno:hide honestly the boy was cracking up because his sister was freaking out which juat made him laugh and do it more. sighs. almost got school done for the day i am pretty sure i am going to make coffee and drink the pot i am so tired. todays lunch is grilled ham and cheese and for those who dont like it in this house there peanut butter. unfortantly one doesnt like either so he get something else. i am over run in eggs lol first i had only six older hens layinh(they range from 5-6 years old) now the new hens are starting to lay so far 11 are laying along with two new ducks. before its over there will be a total of 7 ducks laying and close to 30 hens. i need egg cartons lol. the does are back with their kids until i can get a new trough one cracked it was a older tote that i just used cause it was handy. with the heat with out a large enough source they would do well. but oh well the two thar are nursing will be going in the freezer so they are just gaining weight to make our bellies happy lol.


Herd Master
Feb 4, 2016
Reaction score
NW Vermont
In bed by 11:30 and up at 6am
That is pretty much my night every night. Sometimes do sleep to 6:30, occasionally 7.

I got stung twice in the same day a few weeks ago
Time for the LARGE can of wasp killer, clean the nests out!

18 of them are 5 weeks old though so it doesn't count ha ha!
I am pretty sure they don't count until they are a year old ;)

Arnicare is not safe for eyes or to be licked.
Sure doesn't sound like it!

"Arnica montana, also known as wolf's bane, leopard's bane, mountain tobacco and mountain arnica, is a moderately toxic ethnobotanical European flowering plant in the sunflower family. It is noted for its large yellow flower head."

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Wish I had more.

Plant a tree? Tell the giver you will take any more that they want to share. :D Never know! Maybe you have something to barter.

My friend has two huge, old fig trees. They don't like figs. :lol: Well, she & DH pick, refrigerate and give them to me :celebrate
I make preserves and dehydrate most. They don't even wan any of those. Don't like figs. :th

I share my wild blackberry jam, goat cheeses, fresh eggs & chicken manure for her garden. Works for me! 4th dehydrator full will be done tonight! Trees are overloaded this year. Sweet!! :drool

Hopefully my apple trees will bear next year. Early week of heat, they bloomed. Next week of frost, lost all. :( Plums, also. It was a real disappointment.