Herd Master
honestly i dobt mind the tiny ones two and younger sleeping with me however i prefer all in their beds. my husband is the sucker lol the kids go to his side and he just picks the. up and snuggles then goes to sleep and they try to take over the bed. he remonds me of croods dad figure who always wanted a sleep pile he happy to have them on top of him but they prefer to sleep on me which drives me crazy. my oldwst knows for the most part she will be sent back to bed the three year old is learning it unless he has an accident then he goes and lays down ib our bed until its cleaned up or hubby gets home cause he is heavy. the youngest is a cling on he has a habbit of being on me or next to me that we been working on but if he wakes up in the mild of the night to nurse i fall asleep before putting him in his bed. been working slowly on weaning mostly because i kind of tired of bursing tried to end nap time nursing and that didnt go well he freaked out crying for four to five days still so i give him a bit longer and try again. i need him to take that nap so i wait for him to be more ready. my husband pretty set o being done so we shall see. lol honestly i be happy either way just not a fan of the pregnacy part. i am double jointed pretty much everywhere and my hips keep popping in and out of place and it hurts... i trying not to lay or sit a certian way so far seems to help the other day it happened and i limped for the rest of the day. i been wprking some on the garden alittle frustrated with it. most of the veggies my hubby and kids wont eat go figure. only me and josiah like tomatoes. joshua like cumcumber and broccoli . lucy likes corn and green beans but only canned greenbeans like her daddy. the watermelon and cantwrlope they all like so i keep that up. i am growing pumpkins for the fun of having a patch and i love pumpkin bread and pie so yeah lol. i am also growing peppers and onions. hoping to add carrots and potatoes as they all like those well all but joshua who doesnt like potatoes the crazy boy. i think i might go crazy from picky eaters.