so this morning didnt start off great. to say the least my lovely husband decide to tell the pregnant person that he could not expect logic from a hormonal pregnant women all at 4 am..... i point this out right or wrong clearly not the smartest thing to say to a pregnant woman while she crying.... anyways after that one of my goats spilit a jar of milk on the stand and i wanted to cry then but i held that together. (might be true on hormones but still lol not something i care to hear) now cooking breakfast and started on school.i am hoping to get the school room finished and the house cleaned we shall see my midwife is comeing over tomorrow for my appointment. should be fun
Well @frustratedearthmother , the only thing rain is good for here is "instant humidity".....the clouds help some, but are only there when it is sprinkling, then they move out and sun comes shining thru....where is that wrungout washrag emicon?....
@AmberLops brother that lives just north of Memphis, yesterday showed me they reached a heat index of 116°....I told him the grass will be crunching before too long without moisture....they got 3/4" overnite and have a break in the heat....none here tho....just another day inside for me....
We have crunchy grass. Fields are brown, some are green. It is raining, but not here. The near by showers have cooled things off for us, so we worked outside until 12 noon.
okay this is on my brain because of the issue i seen in my immediate family(parents, sibling ect) but not getting anywhere so much but i figure i could should share with yall as well. i am kinda obssessed with Dave Ramsey, he a financial advisor/coach. lots of books out there but he big on anyone can be debt free and a millionary. he even shows lots of proof of such. after this month we be again out of debt and saving our goal of 16,800 as our emergancy fund (lots of random medical debt that came up out of now where and took all and more of our emergency fund we had). i would sugest looking him up along with his everydollar budgeting app i love that thing. its awesome. my husband and i finally got on the same page on alot of things recently with debt is bad lol i came from a famjly who struggled to make ends meet and still has issues. his family think debt it ok and is a statis symbol but yeah. so i am excited about it. an since my family wont listen i bug you guys lol.
I like what Dave Ramsey does and a lot of people would be better off following it but keep in mind he is making a fortune with his show. If you want to be independent you can't have debt especially if you plan on being retired at some point. Some things can't be avoided (like medical) so you have to deal with those as they come along.
i cant say i blame hime for making money for what he good at. but his radio show he claims he does not get paid for. i imagine he gets paid for his books and the classes and live things he does. but i do understand that it why we want another fund just for medical. we pay alot in health insurance for them to pay pretty much nothing.. i got a ultra sound done(was covered) we pay 500 a month(most of which is just for me) and the bill for th ultra sound with insurance was 220 with out would have been 240 which is beyone insulting. so anyways we pretty much getting rid of them and having a saving fund just for that.
Today -- I skipped work! Yep, was scheduled and did not want to go, so I stayed home. Moved the planned jobs to next week and didn't have any concern about doing it...I didn't WANT to go work in stores. Rare that I have such adverse feelings but, today I did. It's almost like calling in sick when you ain't.
Did get a lot of "paperwork" done at home that had been put off and needed to move forward. Did it!! Feels good. My goats & I had a lovely milking session. No rush, no concern, lot of milk. The chickens laid well today. Overall, I recommend staying home. While I do have to work tomorrow & Friday, I did advise mgr I was not working the Sat job, have a goat auction. So, move the job or I will skip it on my portal. I feel liberated.
Some days, you deserve a day off! This was mine. And the weather was awesome. Tomorrow, I will awake to reality but, I sure enjoyed today. Retirement looking better & better. I'm ready...just a couple things to finalize first.
Meatballs, tomato sauce and asparagus for dinner. Now, I'm having wine...bed very soon. Hey, 2 glasses & I'm asleep. You know the good for you thing....healthy... It surely is relaxing!