Coffee anyone ?


Herd Master
Mar 10, 2019
Reaction score
Middle Tennessee
Yeh @AmberLops , that is a ring-necked snake...they only get to 6-8" long when fully grown....they mainly eat bugs and worms.....I don't believe they are venomous and they are very docile....some have a yellow ring and others a red ring, but are of the same species.....the racer will put on a "show" but are not dangerous and mainly eat bugs, lizards, frogs....a gray rat snake however, will fight ya tooth and nail and will eat eggs, rodents, birds and rabbits....though they will shy away from the larger ones.....even as a hatchling, a copperhead, is colored and patterned as the adults are...the pattern on their back is known as an "hourglass" pattern....:)
Good to know, thank you! Sure was a cute snake, it was probably full-grown then.
Goes to show how much I know about snakes ha ha...maybe I shouldn't handle them unless I really know what they are :lol:
I haven't killed any snakes yet, and I honestly don't think I can...there's just something about them. I find them fascinating...they seem so smart.
Will the grey rat snakes eat a small adult rabbit? :confused:


Herd Master
Sep 14, 2016
Reaction score
Wstrn Cent Florida
In a heartbeat!!....and look for more....the way that I look at it is this....I prefer to not kill anything except skeeters, ticks, and ants....oh, and wasps....;)....but, it is my responsibility to protect the animals that I choose to tend to and care for...if anything "threatens" or is a "threat" to anything that I'm responsible for, then they will gladly be vanquished without hesitation.....I didn't get pleasure from taking out the 3 juvenile coons the one day, but I was sure glad that when I counted ducks and chickens that evening all were there....eating pellets and chattering to me.....if I end the suffering of my own animals...which has been very hard to do at times....I have no issue with taking out a vermin that will attack what is mine. As far as snakes go, I have let both venomous and non venomous go....but, if there are children anywhere around I will dispatch the venomous ones and the egg eaters....the others I let be....many are petrified of snakes and kill em all....I understand the fear and concern, as I use to feel the same way....but, knowledge and experience can subside fear and allow ya to be much more discrete about which ones ya do and don't kill....they do much more Good than harm, but if ya are in doubt, then it is always best to treat a gun as if it is "loaded", ya may think they are really neat, but I bet ya Love your rabbits much more than them....:)


Herd Master
Mar 10, 2019
Reaction score
Middle Tennessee
In a heartbeat!!....and look for more....the way that I look at it is this....I prefer to not kill anything except skeeters, ticks, and ants....oh, and wasps....;)....but, it is my responsibility to protect the animals that I choose to tend to and care for...if anything "threatens" or is a "threat" to anything that I'm responsible for, then they will gladly be vanquished without hesitation.....I didn't get pleasure from taking out the 3 juvenile coons the one day, but I was sure glad that when I counted ducks and chickens that evening all were there....eating pellets and chattering to me.....if I end the suffering of my own animals...which has been very hard to do at times....I have no issue with taking out a vermin that will attack what is mine. As far as snakes go, I have let both venomous and non venomous go....but, if there are children anywhere around I will dispatch the venomous ones and the egg eaters....the others I let be....many are petrified of snakes and kill em all....I understand the fear and concern, as I use to feel the same way....but, knowledge and experience can subside fear and allow ya to be much more discrete about which ones ya do and don't kill....they do much more Good than harm, but if ya are in doubt, then it is always best to treat a gun as if it is "loaded", ya may think they are really neat, but I bet ya Love your rabbits much more than them....:)
I agree, and I'm not afraid of snakes...never have been. But if I found one in one of my rabbits cages I would lose it...I know that for a fact! If that happened, I think I could and would kill a snake. But as long as they're keeping away from the rabbits, I don't mind them being around. :)

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
On the subject of snakes....:rolleyes: I don't like them … but, tonight I milked at dusk, took that inside and back out to check on things. There was a young King snake -- seen before about 3 wks ago, same area -- and he is only about 1.5' long, thin, obviously young. He moved as I approached but, only went far enough to get his head under some scrap hay, then stopped & laid still. :D Guess he thought he was hidden. I went past & back, still "hiding".

I actually left him! :th Thinking I will relocate him if seen again. Matter of time. Just don't like them -- yep, they scare me. But Kings will keep venomous away, I've heard. At least they will eat them and are not affected by the venom) This one is still a wuss. :lol: I see him being moved away next time. I have cats for mousers and machete for rat snakes... :idunno I'm good.

Then, tonight I find a 1/2 grown possum on the back porch. Will set a live trap or two set for tomorrow night! Release that rascal a few miles away. Too many visitors for me.

It looked like this but WAY smaller...WAY!! And it can't stay because I don't want to see him this size !!!!!!!!!!

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Yep -- I'm getting 2nd cup now. May be a 1/2 pot day. :D Not enough hours of sleep last night. Some noisy ATVs woke me from a good rest this morning. :idunno Time to get up but, I had planned to sleep in if body clock allowed. :D =D Foggy out & not just the brain!

Need to set up a few things this morning so I can catch & load goats in AM, to go to auction. Work 12:30-6:30 today, when I need to be home to do this catch pen thing. Will get it done, they have to go!! :rolleyes: Rut and boys -- nooooo, too many.:thYoung ones. Have until 12: to get them there, it'll work. :yesss:


Herd Master
Mar 10, 2019
Reaction score
Middle Tennessee
Coffee is on!
@Mini Horses Kingsnakes can get 7 feet long! :eek: That's pretty big...I went to a reptile expo in Nashville recently and I fell in love with a 6-foot kingsnake and a beautiful albino ball python. Then I saw an African House snake and it was the cutest thing, so tiny :p

Today I plan on going to the fair! They have a rabbit show going on today and I thought i'd have a look around at all the critters :)
Stay cool everyone and have a great day :frow