Coffee is on.
Need to do school today.... but I really don't wanna...I am so behind... of course the whole depends on if the septic guys are coming today or tomorrow.
Coffee is on. Today is septic day! We got everything cleaned out for the contractor and then worked on the garbage heap. Filled the dumpster.... hope everyone is doing ok and has a good Wednesday.
Septic Day may not sound enticing to the majority of people, but we sure understand and are excited for you! Another step in making your farm into your home!
Agree with Bay. Good day for septic -- another step forward!
Going for another cup of "starter fluid" and
We have lovely weather but, could use a nice, slow shower. The grass is getting crunchy in a couple places. Been a couple weeks since rain and looking like another week, or . Slight poss shower late in week..we will see. Seems it's always too much or too little.
Coffee is on, septic got all done.
Crazy day yesterday... DH ended up going to the dr...has a bad sinus infection...John had a wire lose on his braces so had to take him to the orthodontist...and Richie (my haflinger ) is "off". Vet can't see him until tomorrow so fortunately have friends with the Reccommended pain meds. My farrier friend is stopping to check him this morning.
Oh no! Ritchie? I sure hope he is ok, he is such a beautiful boy. Hope your husband feels better too. Notice the order of concern?
We are leaving at 7:00 to drive for an hour to get loaded up for feed for the month. I have chickens eating their heads off. Going to slaughter 5 roosters tomorrow morning, think I have 3 or 4 more after that. I have a pen of 10 EE layers that are on their second molt, they are due for the canning jar. That will reduce the feed bill. I have maybe 16 EE pullets coming up to laying. We have 6 lambs eating their heads off, they go to slaughter on November 12. New lambs should start hitting the ground in mid October. Not to mention 4 horses...…. And they all EAT!
We sold 40 pounds of lamb to 2 customers, from the 4 we took to slaughter a few weeks ago. That paid for the processing and fuel to take them, plus a little more. I still have more to sell, but will stock up DD and family first, do some swapping with my hay guy for cutting some big dead trees. He loves to work for lamb! LOL LOL