Herd Master
No, that was at out old house, 6 years ago. I no longer wear flip flops, my feet just fill with sand. LOL LOLYep...that's a problem with winter babies. I was lucky and didn't get big at all, so my coats fit!! 12/26 baby....
BAY -- is that NOW snow??????
I'm not wanting any of that. Nope.
Congrats on the kits! Your snow looks to cold though.....our day... we do have 3 new bunny kits. But brrrr and temps are dropping. Keeping the water warm for hot cocoa and tea
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I was wearing my husband's extra coats with my last, her birthday was 12/17... so I feel your pain. soon the baby will be here and it all be lovely.just rub it in mini lol this is the first one that nothing has fit lol. i am in dresses and sweat pants at this point. i do have one pair of fishing pants that fit. My first is 3/29 my second is 12/23 and my third is 3/1 and this one is due 12/16 lol. My husband said we could go buy more maturnity but i been avoiding it i had some left from my second i been using and apparently have out grown along with what i had from my third lol the belly has gotten so big this time. my husband claims i look beyond ready to pop he amazed my stomach could stretch so far.