Herd Master
so much predator talk this morning I very much dislike coyotes i was about five when one decide i would make a tasty snack if it hadnt been for my dog who attacked the dang things i would have been. and fence do t always protect. we lost a few birds to coyote, cats and foxes we have cattle panel with the 2x4 fencing attached to it and electrical fencing. if it comes near my fence and it's a stray dog or other its first time gets a warning shot next time it's dead. we also had a hawk come by. i prefer not to kill it i lost some chicks to it this fall but compared to having lots of rats and snakes i take a few loses to a family of hawks atleast this year probably would have felt different if i had less birds but i have about 40 chickens so hatching out 25 more and losing most to cats, snakes and the hawks i view as acceptable this year mostly because we hatch way to many anyways....