Coffee anyone ?

Wehner Homestead

Herd Master
Nov 28, 2017
Reaction score
S Indiana
@promiseacres I like hot and sour soup from the local Chinese restaurant when I get stuffy! Opens you right up. Some places make better soup than others. This place is my fave. Thinking some sounds good now...

@RollingAcres Congrats on Skyler!!! Very cute! Male or female? I’d have guessed Aussie Mix when I saw the pic but all depends on what the rest of the Heeler X is.

@Duckling and Spider I’ve always liked beagles. Friend had one growing up that would get loose and we’d chase him for hours!

Just a quick update...started a new job too. Between revival at church and new job for last two and next two days, I may not get caught up and keep y’all updated as well as usual. I’ll try to pop in and at least like a few things here and there or wave so y’all know I’m still among the living. Lol


True BYH Addict
Jul 2, 2014
Reaction score
SE Massachusetts
I didn't think cattle dogs came in merle? Adorable either way though. Genetics in mixes are a weird thing. My brother & his fiancé have a Great Pyrenees/Lab/Boxer/unknown mix and she acts a lot like a Boxer and looks like it in her jaw (wide mouth and smile) even though she's not that much Boxer. She's a reacue, 11 months old now, they got her in February. Rescue said Pyrenees/Border Collie (probably cause of her color, black and white) but they did a DNA test and it came back like 37% Pyrenees, 13% Boxer, 25% unknown (it did say toy breed but doesn't seem believable lol), and the rest Lab. Yet the Boxer is so obvious. Big on using her paws, etc. Also not fluffy at all. Point is, genetics is a funny thing lol their new puppy is Pyrenees/Collie but we kinda think he looks Golden, English Setter, or Spaniel. Though definitely part Pyrenees because of the rear double dew claws. And his fluff. He points sometimes too. They adopted him 3 weeks ago so no DNA test yet.


True BYH Addict
Jul 2, 2014
Reaction score
SE Massachusetts
Okay turns out I was very slightly off on the percentages, 37.5% Pyr, 12.5% Boxer but still, close enough. Although proves my point even more, slightly less Boxer than originally thought. Although honestly I really don't think that half percent means anything or makes any difference whatsoever lol

2018-03-15 22.02.46.png

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
I'm pretty sure chocolate donut holes are the go to prescription for a stuffy head ;)

Yeah, most any chocolate is my "go to" RX for just about anything.

Since we are having a "dog day"....this AM when I went out to do my feed chores, here is a hound mix in the backyard. Like most of the running deer hounds, she's lean and so very submissive. She comes over, we talk, I check her collar and call the number. Soon get a text, says "she'll come home". Hmmmm…….I replied, ok, just hate to see her become road kill!! The reply, how far are you from XXX....I'm about a 7 mile drive.....probably 4 as a dog might run. Reply -- ok, I'll come get, what's addy, etc. By this time I'm done with chores, inside & changing clothes to go to work. She had eaten some dog food and had some goat milk. As I go out the front door...….surprise! a second dog :rolleyes: This one is an obvious doxie mix...maybe 20 # and check her collar, same phone. Text that now there are two, is she missing more? I'm thinking, this one has got to be tired to travel that far with those short legs!! She looks like a house dog. About 15 min later, text say "I got them both, thanks." :)

That time of year..dogs & hunters. Many have the collar devices to track, sure helps locate them. You ride down the road and see some sitting by, looking at every truck, just in case it's their ride. I've seen several deer along the roads, dead, yep - that time of year!

It's been cool here, maybe 10 below norm average. Mostly low 40 night but yesterday huge frost! It was 30 out there. Wasn't expecting that. Sun up and warmed to 68, nice day. I just don't like the shorter daylight hours.
:hu It's not convenient for me:old

This evening I get home 7ish, out to milk with flashlight....walking over to check coops & close (hate to do that late, but) I see movement out of corner of eye, flash light and there is one of the skunks I've seen evidence of being around. RATS!! It quickly runs off & I go about my close up and check on the hen and ONE chick. She had hidden a nest in a trailer, 4' off the ground and would go back up at night, calling chick -- who could NOT get up there. I've been going out, picking it up and putting it in. Tonight, it's not there! check trailer and hen not there. I then look and find them in a little grow out coop. Milked, put Brat back in field and decide I had to close up the little coop -- skunk will kill a chick. OK, take care of that, then I could go in for the night....long day.
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Herd Master
Jun 27, 2017
Reaction score
Capital Region NY
Thanks for Coffee. How are you feeling today @promiseacres ?

@Baymule a purple chicken coop? I LOVE it!

This is for 11 year old granddaughter and 3 Silkies
So your granddaughter will be staying in the coop when she comes to visit? :lol:

I just read that a single winning lottery ticket was sold in South Carolina. So @MatthewsHomestead might be rich? The rest of us are still poor....