Coffee anyone ?


Herd Master
Jan 13, 2010
Reaction score
Southern Washington State

at Mouth of Wilson, VA.​


We got hit by the storm really bad. Our generator didn't kick in. Still no power at home. Couldn't get to the inn due to downed trees and flooding. The generator at the inn is working and I hope to make it there today. ⁣

It was an awful day. Dave got hit by a falling tree as he was trying to clear one across the road. Fractured clavicle and 31 staples in his scalp. Took the ambulance 4 hrs to finally get us to the hospital. ⁣
Photo from where I was sitting in the back of the ambulance.

There is more. We were stranded between two fallen trees and no way for people to get to us And no way for us to move And we were just praying for someone to come so we could send them to get help.⁣
Meanwhile other trees were falling all around us and I have never been so scared.

That help came as a pickup truck bringing back nurse Wanda who jumped right in to address the situation and see what we could do to get Dave stable while road crews came to clear the trees so that we could get to where the ambulance could come get to us.⁣

She waited with us In the parking lot at Corner Market for two hours until an ambulance could get through closed roads to get to us.⁣

The ambulance folks were fantastic. But the journey was harrowing as we first tried to get to the hospital in Merion and after we had made it quite a ways they heard over the radio that Sugar Grove was closed due to flooding and no one could get through so we had to turn around.⁣

We waited in long lines of traffic while road crews cleared debris and downed trees and we waited for flooding in high areas to recede.

I finally breathed a sigh of relief when we were able to head down highway 16 to Jefferson NC and get Dave to the hospital there.⁣

We are home thanks to some folks we met in the hospital ER waiting room..wife had tripped and broken her foot. They live near us and brought us home or i don't know how else we would have gotten home. ⁣

When we were pulling into our drive there was another tree across the drive and thankfully, Lynn had his chainsaw with him. He cleared the drive so they could get us home. ⁣

Forever thanks to those who helped us get Dave the help that he needed. He's going to have a doozy of a scar on his scalp, but he is whole and we are home.⁣

Mini Horses

Herd Master
Sep 4, 2015
Reaction score
S coastal VA
Just a PSA --

Having a huge docking port here for container shipped goods the Longshoreman's strike being suggested could create a real bottle neck for goods going across the country. With no containers offloading, hundreds of truckers will be idle. It'll affect all docks on East Coast & TX.

Just watch the news. Things could get tight. 🙄

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Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Just a PSA --

Having a huge docking port here for container shipped goods the Longshoreman's strike being suggested could create a real bottle neck for goods going across the country. With no containers offloading, hundreds of truckers will be idle. It'll affect all docks on East Coast & TX.

Just watch the news. Things could get tight. 🙄

This doesn’t sound good. Just goes to show how we have outsourced so much. We were once a nation of producers, now a nation of consumers.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Coffee is ready. I processed meat from the feral boar all day yesterday. I still have to do the trimmings into ground meat, I’ll do that after church. There won’t be a lot of ground meat from this, I made practically everything into cuts.