Woke up at 2 AM. This sucks. It’s 28F, high of 59F today. The freeze is over! Now comes the deluge, rains through next Saturday, maybe more, but that’s the 10 day forecast. That sucks too.
Heading out to test the 2nd milking... letting car warm up, but it is a "HEAT WAVE" here too... 25 out.... feels warm compared to the last few mornings of 4 and 7 and such !!!!!
Twenty-six this morning after 35 yesterday morning. Snow is gone, and rain will be starting by Saturday. Guess it's going to be "one of those" winters. Looks like any upcoming kids are going to need to have webbed feet. Poor goats - they hate mud and I don't blame 'em.
48 here and a windy night. Heading to 72 (still too warm for Jan/Feb). There's a 4,250 ac fire down near the border reports say it's moving northward, but the winds are not going that direction . Not near me and in a lot of open terrain. Started yesterday midafternoon as the temp was dropping. Hmmm. A lot of other fires some near me. Thank God firefighters and flying tankers were on all of them like white on rice.
AND .... Over Sunday and Monday we have rain predicted. Just under 1 inch total. So the next you will hear from LA is mudslides - hydrophilic ground and ash. At least it should help the fire situation.