Exploring the pasture
I am trying to decide if I want to have a colony set up or go with pens. I do not plan to have more than 3 does at a time.
Eventually we want a couple goats and maybe a hog. We only have .57 acre. We are going to use it to the best of our ability to feed ourselves a d allow for another source of income. We also have chickens. 8 pullets that are I months. A cockerel that's the same age. Then we have 10 sex links that are 1 month old pullets and 5 barnyard mixes we hatched out about 21 days ago. And now have 27 eggs in the incubators that are to be sold.Welcome to BYH.... I don't have rabbits so cannot help you in any way. Hope that some of the rabbit people on here can chime in.
Do you have any other livestock besides the rabbits you want to get? I love the coat on the Rex rabbits, but would be a wimp about killing any...
All that and harder to keep track of breeding, feeding, kits, and slaughter weights. Don't bother with a colony on the ground. Hanging cages are best. Make worm/manure pits underneath with 2x12's which will give you a good supply of organic fertilizer that can be applied straight to your vegetables and fruit trees. Minimal odor, and you can add fine shavings over the top for the worms to turn into beautiful compost.On the ground, huge mess, missing kits, collapsed or flooded tunnels, escapes, rats, snakes, parasites,