True BYH Addict
Sooo… I have three babydolls, a ewe Posie, wethers Beau and Pip, 2 1/2 yrs old. Posie suddenly got green smoothie diarrhea about ten days ago. I thought she might have been skipping her morning hay in favor of eating greens in the pasture (it’s “springtime” pasturewise in California, with everything just beginning to come up after the first rains, but slowly, because of the cold/freezing nights). I started keeping everyone in with hay till mid day, opened a bale of tastier (less stemmy) hay that they would actually like to eat, before bringing them up to the pasture. No change for three days, poo stripes and a very messy bottom which she would absolutely not let me wash off… Called vet, changed to feeding mostly soaked orchard grass pellets (which they warmed up to quite slowly, so kept feeding a bit of hay on the side), offered baking soda, kept them in their stall all day. Next morning Posie pooped pellets again - hurray!!! Got her a tush trim (my shearer is an angel), and continued with pellets and hay, put them out again afternoons, because the boys were starting to fight. She has been fine since. Two days after she recovered Beau started up. Looked exactly like Posie before. Continued pellets and hay, mid day pasture times. No change till today when it seems his poops are getting a bit thicker again. Now just tonight I am seeing a thin line of green down Pip’s behind…. Argh! Also, they get cold ears! When Posie was sick her ears felt cold while the boys’ were toasty. Now Pip’s ears feel icy, Beau’s just cool and Posie’s feel nice and warm. So I am thinking this is an infection they are passing around. The vet (who admittedly mostly deals with horses) is stumped, because they have had no contact with other sheep. We have for the first time let the horse graze down the dry pasture a bit before letting the sheep back on there about six weeks ago and there are a few horse apples here and there, but I don’t think that horses and sheep share any diseases, do they? The horse is healthy. I can’t think of what it could be if not a bug, nothing feed related makes any sense.
Does anyone know what this could be? Will drop off a sample for fecal test on Saturday…
Does anyone know what this could be? Will drop off a sample for fecal test on Saturday…