Coronavirus Covid-19 Is it Affecting You and How?

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Herd Master
Jan 27, 2017
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NE Oklahoma
I think that you are one that has not faced some of the truths and the studies. You are being had with not at least looking at and doing due diligence on some of the studies that have shown beyond a doubt that things like ivermectin can be used OFF LABEL for treatment.... it is not just for parasites. Hundreds of studies written in some of the most read medical journals are showing the effectiveness of different drugs used off label.

If everything that Fauci and the WHO said, were right in the beginning... we would have had this virus licked, gone and over in the 2 weeks to shorten the curve claims they made. They change their protocol every time it means causing more people to shudder and hunker down in place. We would have gotten over the 2 week period and the virus would have died out. But since they have not been able to come up with a "vaccine" that prevents the flu, why in he// would you believe that all of a sudden they have come up with a vaccine that prevents this... with a "new type of making it" that has killed all the animals, in the all the tests that were ever done in the past.

Corona viruses have been around since the beginning of time.... we deal with them in the animal world all the time... and the "common flu" that has different forms is a virus that the "vaccine" is a guess as to what variant is the most likely to occur... with a 40% or LESS effectiveness....

It is a PROVEN fact over and over that the more sequestered you are from exposure to daily "germs", the more vulnerable you are to getting them when you are finally exposed. The body has amazing resilience and has to build up it's own body of antibodies through exposure. Some of that is through vaccines rather than outright exposure... But if you cannot even accept that there are over 58,000 doctors and medical researchers and such that have signed the Great Barrington letter.... and they all cannot be considered NON-REPUTABLE .... then you are the one that is being hookwinked. Countless studies have shown ivermectin to be effective... using other treatments as well as bolstering the bodies own immune response is certainly more effective than getting a diagnosis and going home to wait til you are soooo sick that you go in the hospital to go on a ventilator and die.

I KNOW of several people that have used these "alternative" medicines, BY DOCTORS prescribing them, and gotten better in record time. It is not all coincidence. If you choose to not believe it that is your choice. DO NOT PUT PEOPLE DOWN and ridicule them as you are, because they opt to take another approach .... it is not all nonsense.
One of the reasons for not going out full blast and yelling it from the rooftops is because we are constantly being shut off.... censored.... so we go about it in more subtle ways so that the word can get out.
And we are not trying to muzzle people like you that are saying it is nonsense... totally opposite of that. We are allowing any and everyone to say their piece.... there is no censorship from the believers in alternatives...YOU do your own research..... and make your own decision.
This is about control as much as it is anything.... and it is apparent with the requirements of being vaccinated to hold jobs and all now.... What happens when the next variant comes along and the "original vaccine" has no effect on it... now they are saying a third shot... then will it be monthly???? THAT PROVES IT IS NOT A VACCINE.....
Follow them if you want... I am not telling you that you can't or shouldn't. But I have a brain, I can read studies, I have seen where I BELIEVE this is leading and I sure don't like this. It is not my responsibility to protect you from you or from me...... I need to protect myself from you... it is your responsibility to protect yourself... If you believe the vaccine is the way to go, then good for you. BUT don't discount without any merit, my bodies' own immunity once I have gotten the disease and gotten over it.... that is probably the biggest thing that galls me.... NOT ONE of the medical "experts" will allow for any credence from doctors and other medical people saying that once you have gotten it, your body has as good or BETTER immune responses for future exposures.....

If it is all such hooey... why is the American Red Cross begging for blood donors who have had this virus, and NOT HAD THE VACCINE, to come and give blood so that they can use the immune cells to create better transfusions.... he// they were paying blood donors to come and give blood here if their blood showed the immune cells....

And why, after all this time and all the censoring, did they finally quietly say that things like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, were "okay" to use off label as treatments... after hundreds of thousands have died...

Why is it being poo-hooed about all the blood clots and the heart problems and paralysis and the adverse skin reactions....when the numbers already posted on the VAERS are FAR beyond what has had other drugs stopped in their tracks....and there still has not been any long term studies that proves this is the best vaccine route ever.... except that this mass vaccination of the human population is the biggest study ever.....

I wish you a long and healthy life... but DO NOT TELL ME THAT I AM BEING UNREASONABLE because I want to question things that I do not believe are truth. I am not hurting you,,, because according to the experts getting the vaccine is the way to protect yourself....but it is not proving effective... so how is that working out if I chose not to get it and get sick, and cannot get the treatment that my doctor feels is in my best interest.... then that is actually on you for censoring and preventing my doctor from giving me what is their best opinion of treatment.

I don't believe in the religions that use snakes and such.... but hey, if that is your belief, then by all means go right ahead....I am not going to stop you even if I think you are crazy.....that is strictly my opinion.
So let those of us that believe that we are being denied the right to make our own choices; to make our own choices... and let the science in the future prove who is right... and at the expense of untold numbers that were NOT ALLOWED to make their own choices.

@Stephine i applaud your right to speak and to have your own opinion. My answer is not defensive nor am I angry. I have great respect for you and would never say or do anything to upset you. I’ve used ivermectin for years treating my animals. I am quite familiar with it. Just so you know, there are pills of ivermectin for people. Ivermectin has been used since the 1980’s in Africa for diseases there. It is being used to treat Covid in Africa and several South American countries. I have studied it extensively, I don’t watch YouTube videos. I read medical sites.

One of our dear friends got Covid very recently. His wife was extremely worried and called to tell us. Our friend “T” was sent home with antibiotics, got a shot of steroids and one of those breather things for asthma. He ran fever, coughed continuously, his ribs were sore from coughing so hard, and had no appetite. She was afraid T was going to die. I told her to go to the feed store for injectable ivermectin and put it in a drink. No, I’m not going to give dosage on a forum, because I’m not a doctor. They were incredulous and called a pharmacist friend. He agreed and told them I was right. T started taking the ivermectin once a day, for 5 days just as the PHARMACIST said. T called me on day five. No fever, his appetite returned, his voice came back and NO COUGHING. Still weak, but gaining strength every day. He said I saved his life.


Meanwhile a neighbor lady who got vaccinated has blood clots in her arms and legs, very painful. And her doctor? Told her to sit down with her feet up for two months and the blood clots should go away. I have a whole lot of ugly, angry words about her situation, but I can’t say them here. I went to town and bought Arnicare gel. It’s for pain, arthritis and reduces bruises. She used it last night and called me today. She was able to sleep all night and had no pain. Since it dissipates bruises, it may even help dissipate her blood clots. But I’m not a doctor and it’s a readily available OTC herbal tube of non patented medicine. So therefore it must not be any good.

Do your own research. Try the search engine DuckDuckGo, it is not censored like google is. Look up ivermectin for Covid. There is a whole protocol using immune enhancing minerals and vitamins, to give your body the building blocks it needs to fight off infection.

I am 66 years old, healthy, active and I take NO prescription drugs. Not knocking life saving drugs, I’m knocking the forever treatment for everything from constipation to watery eyes. It’s gotten ridiculous. I will not subject myself to guinea pig status and take a vaccine that outright killed people by the thousands right here in this country, and hit many more thousands upon thousands with side effects, some of them permanently.

I did my research. I did my due diligence. Then I made an informed decision. I didn’t make a decision based on Billy Bob’s cousin who talked to his brother in law who watched a YouTube video.

With nothing but kindness for you, don’t take my word for it. Dig for the truth.
I must say that the best "I" could've said is this is a thread for like minded people. If your beliefs are different then read this and come up with your own conclusion. AND stay off of this one.

I am not a good speaker. Really not good to those who don't want to listen to me in the 1st place.

I also think this is the problem with most conservatives. If you don't like it then do it your way and leave me alone, (me yea me) while the rest of the world is jumping up and down degrading and throwing fits about ANY little thing that doesn't "APEASE" them. Even going as far as protesting or whatever tantrum they throw.


Herd Master
Aug 22, 2010
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East Texas


Herd Master
Oct 5, 2012
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NW Indiana

Larsen Poultry Ranch

Herd Master
May 20, 2019
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Auburn, CA
My hospital sent out new guidelines, persons (currently two allowed) accompanying a laboring mother must provide either a vaccine card or negative covid test from within 2 days. How are we supposed to get a test within 2 days prior?? Don't they know this kid will come when he decides to arrive? Do we just have my hubby take a test every two days for a couple weeks on end?? Grr this is frustrating.


Chillin' with the herd
May 17, 2021
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Northeast Texas
@Baymule - Thanks for the links. Off label use of meds has been going on for a long time. I just don't understand why treatments are not used to treat the disease. I do know why, money & agenda, but I still don't understand it.

@Beekissed - Good video. I hope it makes people think for themselves, and not just blindly follow.
(I've missed your postings!)

Sorry what you are having to go through Larsen. This should be a wonderful time for both of you. Instead, you're having to deal with all this crap. :(


Herd Master
Nov 13, 2007
Reaction score
We've closed this thread due to a lot of issues, reports, etc., and are evaluating the pros / cons to our community in leaving it open.

(note: if there was a way to leave it open without there being any reports, we'd be way more inclined to let peeps discuss stuff civilly and respectfully... but we don't have the time and resources to constantly moderate a thread that is causing a lot of stress and problems)


Herd Master
Nov 13, 2007
Reaction score
While we try to figure out the best way to proceed, we encourage peeps that want to continue to discuss this hot and divisive topic, to do so in private conversations.
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