Pearce Pastures
Barn Babe

Actually, my registered stock sometimes moves slower than my non registered. People like the lower cost and while it may not always be the case, my nonregistered pets have done very well at local fairs and milk very well.
Lots of folks will sell animals that could be registered for a fee or nonregistered, so it alone doesn't mean the animal is or is not a good one.
As SBC said, it depends on what you want to do. We can't show nonreg in the big shows, and in the local fair, they are shown as grade. It is a lot of fun and no paperwork needed! And either way, we breed for improvement.
For a just born, bottle fed, registered doe around here---I would expect to get $300-$500, depending on which doe and which sire. If I was keeping them fed until weaning, a bit more would be charged.
For a just born, bottle fed, nonregistered doe--I sell for about $150 and again, more if keeping through weaning.